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Wednesday 21st November 2015

Sky's POV

I woke up and got a note stuck to my pillow:

Hey sweet pea

We left you in the bus but now you have a friend, he will make you breakfast.

Love you

I went in the living room and saw a boy with green eyes, a lip ring and brown hair. 

I took a Harry Potter stick and pointed at him.  He turned around

"You must be Sky-"

"Who are you and how do you know my name?  What are you doing here?"

"I'm Christian,  but you can call me Chris,  Avi sent me to watch you."

"If you really are who you are,  what's Avi iPad password" Only Avi and I know it.

"Sky sweet pea."

"Okay you are here to look after me. How old are you? "


I nodded and he took changed me and told me we were going to a place called Ihop.  (a/n: idk if Oakland has an Ihop so lets pretend if it doesn't.)

*time spand.*

We got to the Ihop place and I got 3 pancakes with syrup and whip cream on the top and a glass of orange juice.

While we were waiting Chris and I talked. Did I say he was super cute.

"So are we friends?" he asked

"Yeah of course Chriseh!" I giggled at that nick name. We both laughed and my belly grumbled he took a bottle from my baggie-o and took out some chips, we shared it and by the time we were done our breakfast was here. It looked yummy!!

*After breakfast*

After Chris and I went to the Mall. He said that Kirs asked him to get some stuff. He also bought me a pretty dress.

After shopping we went to a local park. He had a ball so we played what he called soccer. I won and he was crying but I told him he can win if he work harder and gave him a big hug. We played in the park and when he said it was 3:00PM we left.

*Back at the bus*

We got back to the bus and he asked me want I wanted to do. I thought for a  while and after thinking I shouted

"Make Overs!"

We got Kirstie's make up and he put make up for me and he gave me the dress we bought to wear.

He took some pics of me and it was my turn to put make up.  He told me the names of what I can use which were eye shadow, lipstick, blush and powder.

After I put his makeup- Silver eyeshadow,  powder,  pink blush and red lipstick- I picked out Scott's white shirt and his blue jeans. He looked cute.  He showed me how to take a picture with his phone.

"Oh my gosh!  I look beautiful!"

I blushed, I didn't know I could do that.

We washed out the makeup, had a snack and watched dora and friends.

"And we couldn't have done it without you ~Todos Mundo~" We sang the end song together at the top of our lungs

"Together all for one that's how we got it done,  we helped out everyone. All for one!" We sang and fell on the chair. We both laughed. 

We ate some skittles an m&m's and did some random stuff, played the piano, danced until it was 6:00PM

"Guys we're home!" 

"Kevin!!" I shouted, I ran to him and he picked me up and spun me around. I giggled. I hugged everyone else and while they were talking to Chris, Scott and I sat on the floor playing go-fish.

"Go Fish!!" I shouted and dropped my cards and got up and started dancing. He high-five me and after we played, Chris had to go. I went and hug him.

"Promise me you'll come back, Chris" I said and stuck out my pinky finger

"Pinky promise." He locked his pinky with mine.

After he left we all decided on  going to dinner later. I heard Avi said "At 8" so I'm guessing it's still early.

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