3. Help

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Morning came and the rain had stopped. The two were already on their way, four hours into their journey. Celeste had barely slept the whole night, tending to Hunter's needs and attempting to comfort him. Along the journey they would take a few breaks here and there, to get rested or get water.
Hunter had started thinking to himself, a soft growl in his throat. "This should be the other way around. Why is she carrying me? I should be carrying her sorry soul. I should be the alpha. Not her!" He suddenly spoke aloud, his voice a bit harsh "I can walk myself now. Put me down."
Celeste gave him a confused look. "Why? You have been on my back for the past four hours. You're weak and slow. We need to keep moving." She sighs, continuing to walk. "If you walk on that paw, you'll never heal."
Hunter's eye twitched in annoyance "Who does she think she is? My mother?! She will not carry me." Hunter snarled "Put me down now. I told you that I can walk myself? Why won't you listen and get that through your head? I can walk myself, mutt!" He yells at her angrily.
Celeste growls and turns her head, biting Hunter's neck and flinging him to the ground, jumping on top of him. "You do not call me a mutt. I AM NOT A MUTT! You are BEYOND lucky to have me. Without me, you would have died trembling and cowering in the rain like a pathetic little newborn that still relies on his mother's milk." She yells angrily, keeping him pinned, growling in his face.
Hunter whines loudly, the pain crashing through him as he was thrown down. He cowers slightly beneath her before snapping at her face. "LET GO, FLEABAG!" He snarls at her.
A tall man with slicked back hair, plenty of tattoos, and pale yellow eyes that almost seemed gold, was standing near to the two fighting dogs. "Hey, Thomas. We got ourselves some cute fluff balls over here. Oh- so tough!" He chuckles, holding a pistol in his hand.
A man with sharp green eyes, freckles, and bright red hair stood next to him, a musket slung over his shoulder. He chuckles softly. "Awe! Aren't they just adorable, Falco?" He speaks with a British accent. "They think they're so tough." He waves his hand with a soft grin.
Celeste looks up, jumping slightly at the newcomers, a growl forming in the back of her throat. She pulls from Hunter, standing in front of him. Both were confused as to why these two men were here and why they were just there with no hesitation. As if they knew what they were.
Hunter let out a pained snarl, fluffing up, standing, and moving to be in front of Celeste as if he were protecting her. "Stay back, Celeste."
Falco watched curiously and smirked at Thomas. "Do they not know we can understand them?" He lets out a soft bit of laughter, leaning against Thomas, kissing his ear softly yet teasingly. "You know, you never pin me like that?"
Thomas blushed darkly and looked over at Falco. "I didn't think you were into being dominated... Usually it's the other way around." He lowers his gaze slightly, leaning into him a bit more. It was odd to have such public affections.
Celeste growls and looks at them curiously, stepping back in front of Hunter to protect him. "Who are you and how can you understand us?"
Hunter looked at her grumpily, stepping back in front of her. "Yeah! What she said." Like hell he was going to let this girl protect him.
Falco pouts, twirling the gun in his hand "Why can we? Cause we just can, kid." He looks at Thomas, smiling mischieviously. "What do you think Thomas? Maybe you could try it. It'd be neeeewwww." Falco smirks, pushing himself even closer to Thomas, chuckling as he lovingly mumbles to him.
Thomas sighs, blushing even more, swatting Falco softly. He looks down at Celeste and Hunter with a gentle gaze. "We are shifters, like you. We could sense you close by and wanted to come warn you that you are really close to the war zone. Right over this hill, there's a big fight going on. You don't want to get mixed up in that, trust me. Especially at your young ages."
Celeste growls softly and nips at Hunter's leg, annoyed that he kept trying to get in front of her. "Why do you care about what happens to us? You don't even know us."
Hunter yelped, looking back at her. "That hurt. What is war?"
Falco looked at the kid, smiling wide. He taps his foot with a soft groan. "Don't get mixed up into it, alright?Its where people fight and kill each other. Sometimes it's for land. Others it's for power. Maybe even for money. You'll learn... but we also care because we you two are just kids. You deserve somewhat of a life. Right Thomas?" He winks, kissing his shoulder.
Thomas gives Falco a pointed look. "As much as war sucks, sometimes it is necessary." He sighs, frowning slightly and looks back down at Hunter and Celeste. "All I know is that you two need to get as far away from here as you can. Don't look back either." Thomas adjusts the musket on his shoulder and takes Falco's hand. "Come on, we should get back." He turns and starts walking back towards the battle field.
Celeste watches them go before pulling Hunter onto her back again. "You heard what he said. Let's go. We have a long way to travel before night falls and we will need to find shelter." She starts walking away from the battlefield, carrying Hunter.
    Celeste had only taken a couple of steps forward when Hunter snarled our, whining out in pain. "Put me down Celeste! That hurts!" He shouts, laying the wrong way on her back.
Falco followed Thomas, keeping their hands glued together before hearing Hunter yell in pain, he looks at Thomas, pausing his steps before sighing. "I'm gonna help. Just five more minutes." He whispers, rubbing his shoulder softly.
Celeste whimpers softly and gently lowers Hunter off of her back. "I'm sorry. I just know we have a lot of ground to cover and you're too slow in the condition that you are in right now." 
Thomas sighs. "If you want to. I don't mind. We just need to hurry. We have to get back soon or the other soldiers will notice."
Falco nods, squeezing his hand, pulling him to the two, speaking coldly to the pups, his voice now low and a bit intimidating unlike the joking, kind voice from a few moments ago. "I have stuff to heal the black one. Shift. I can't do anything when you are in you're an animal." Falco kept his hand tight on Thomas', his gaze wandering between the two before pulling his hand away to crouch down.
Hunter looks at their joined hands and cringed slightly before whimpering, shifting. He gasps as he does so, letting out a cry of pain.
Falco glared. "Shirt off." He waves his hand slightly, gesturing to the boy.
"What?" Hunter growls lowly.
Celeste snarls. "Just do it, you idiot! He's trying to help."
Thomas kept his hand in Falco's, not used to being so open and public about their relationship until Falco had pulled away. He gives a small reassuring smile to Hunter and Celeste to try and ease their hesitations. "It will hurt at first, but I promise you, this man can work miracles!"
Falco looked at Thomas, his face softening a bit. He looks back at them. "Shirt. Come on now, we don't have much time. Hurry." He huffs.
Hunter blushes darkly, pulling his shirt over his head. A few scars littering the boys body from other wolves and injuries when he was younger. It hurt just to pull off his shirt, huffing out in pain.
Falco grunts, pulling open his jacket. He pulls out a small box. He opens the box, beginning to prep what looked like a syringe. Swiftly and not too gently, jabbing Hunter in the side with the thick, long needle, injecting the contents of the syringe. He quickly rummages through his pockets only to get out a small container, turning off the lid of it.
      The container was filled with some cream. He slabs his fingers with some of the white substance and slowly puts cream over any of the wounds he could find so it wouldn't get infected and glances at Thomas. "Let's go. Oh and it'd be smart to get a splint for that wrist." He nods before standing up with a huff.
Hunter yells in pain as Falco injected the needle, kicking out at Falco. He kicks Falco on the back of his knee, hard enough to cause him to fall forward with a grunt.
Celeste rushes forward. "Hunter! What are you doing?! He is just trying to help you!" She moves in front of Hunter, keeping him back, growling at him.
Hunter yanks on his shirt angrily, his eyes burning with rage. "Maybe I wouldn't have done that if you gave me a warning or been a little more gentle!" He barks.
Falco fell to his hands and knees making him swarm into a whirlpool of swear words. "You fucking little brat. I fucking help and you-"
Thomas steps forward quickly, cutting off Falco's words. "Falco. Don't. He's just a kid...give him a break." He kneels down, kissing Falco on the forehead. "Remember what I've told you about that temper." He smiles lovingly, helping Falco up.
Celeste watches them nervously. "Thank you for your help. I apologize for the actions of my friend. He can be a little hot headed and unpredictable. He's not very grateful." She shoots a glare at Hunter.
     Falco looks up at Thomas with dark eyes before sighing heavily. Slowly he takes Thomas' hand, huffing as he stands up, straightening himself out. He takes a moment, looking into his lovers eyes before nodding, pulling back. His attention goes back to Celeste, clenching his jaw. "Yeah. I think I noticed."
      Hunter furrows his brows at Falco's comment. "I don't think that was a necessary comment." He huffs, shifting back into a wolf, laying on the ground with a quiet whimper.
      Thomas looks over them. "Alright. Well, we have to go. Maybe we'll meet again someday." He smiles kindly to them. The man had a warm energy. He was kind and comforting in a way. He tugs Falco forward a bit, walking off with him. Falco walks forward, soon walking by his side, furrowing his brows.

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