21. Let Me Explain

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    Falco looks to the side with a soft huff, biting the inside of his cheek as Thomas pulls off his shirt, leaving the tattooed man in an undershirt, pants and boots. "Why am I being undressed?" He slurs quietly.
Thomas moves down to try to tug off Falco's boots. "Because, you shouldn't sleep in everyday clothes." He mumbles.
The American sighs, grunting as both boots were pulled off, looking up at Thomas as he stood, listening to the quiet British mans voice. "Sit up." Falco slowly sits up with a grunt, Thomas kneeling by the bed to tug off his belt. "Lay back down."
Falco groans. "I don't like doing sit-ups, you know?" Thomas shoves him by his shoulders, forcing him on his back again. You could hear Thomas mumbling under his breath, awkwardly taking off Falco's pants, folding them and putting them to the side with the rest of his clothes.
He leaves Falco in his under shirt and undergarments before sitting on the edge of the bed, sighing out. "Alright. Rest a bit." Thomas nods to the other man.
The American sits up, now sitting next to Thomas, looking at him with a slight frown before pressing his forehead against the others shoulder. "I really like you, Thomas." He mumbles.
Thomas looks him over before tensing at Falco's actions only to frown at his words. "What do you mean?" He was a bit oblivious sometimes.
Falco looks up before sighing. "I'm saying, I like you. You're just great."
The redhead raises a brow. "Thank you?" He grumbles. "Bloody hell, was this man crazy?"
Falco clenches his jaw before sighing, looking to the side. "Are all British people oblivious like this?" He gently places a hand where Thomas' neck and shoulder would connect, looking him over. "I meant as in you are probably my mate, Thomas. I like you in that way."
Thomas frowns. "Oblivious? What?" He furrows his brows in confusion before eyeing Falco's hand on his shoulder. He then looks up to kind eyes only to frown at his words. "You're drunk."
Falco frowns at his words only to pull away, running a hand over his face. "You've known this for awhile. Why are you resisting?" He mumbles.
Thomas stands up, looking down at him. "I'm sorry. You're beyond confusing, Falco! You tortured me for months! I still flinch anytime you raise a hand. You still hit me sometimes and after you hit me you're really sweet and kind. You're toxic and confusing. It makes me bloody crazy, Falco!" He shouts, brows furrowed.
Falco grunts as he stands and yells. Usually he'd yell back and probably smack him if he got this kind of reaction but he just sat there, listening for once. "I know." He mumbles.
Thomas clenches his jaw. "No. No, you really don't. You just switch back and forth. Back and forth. I just don't bloody get you and that's why I resist. You think mates are supposed to be so toxic or harmful to each other?" He gestures to the American.
Falco frowns a little more, looking to the side. "No, they're not. I just have problems with myself, Thomas. I'm trying to work on it. You're helping me with it and- I just. I don't know what's wrong with me."
The Britain sighs at Falco's words. "You've got inner demons or something. You just-" He shakes his head only to sit back down next to Falco, looking to the ground and back up to Falco. He gently pats the mans thigh. "I don't want to be resisting with you my whole life."
Falco nods slightly, looking to Thomas as he sits next to him, his eyes moving to the hand now on his thigh. "I know. I just want you to be safe. I'm conflicted because you're on the other side and I was told to be the one to interrogate you but then I just wanted to comfort you. But I couldn't! I had a job and I was confused. I didn't expect any of it."
Thomas sighs, pulling his hand back. "I understand." He looks up into Falco's eyes with a slight frown.
The brunette raises his brows. "You do?"
Thomas nods. "You had a duty your commander gave you and you wanted to fulfill it and obey orders. I wanted that for my father. I understand but your anger is scary sometimes." He admits.
Falco nods. "Notaku is also helping me with that. He is always by my side and he calms me, in a way and he stops me from making violent actions."
"I just want you to not be so violent and angry, Falco. I'm conflicted. I don't know how to feel with any of this." Spoke the soft British voice.
Falco shifts slightly, turning to look at him before scooting closer to wrap his arms around him gently. "Just- let me do this."
Thomas tenses as he moves, huffing as he was hugged. He bites his lip a bit before forcing himself to relax against the taller male. "You'll remember this talk. Right?"
A soft nod comes from the other man, pushing his face against Thomas' neck. "Do you know how badly I've wanted to do this?" He whispers.
"I have an idea how much." Thomas mumbles. He'd known Falco had been finding little ways to touch him. He just was hesitant towards it all. "I don't know how I'm supposed to react to this."
Falco pulls back. "Just lay with me. Please."
Thomas' nose scrunches up slightly before moving to hesitantly pull off his own clothes, leaving his undergarments and under shirt on just like Falco. "Fine." He moves to lay down on the bed with a huff, his body tensing as he feels Falco lay behind him, tugging the blanket over them.
It was odd to have this. Even Falco was a little tense. It was new and there was also a risk to this. If someone came in.. to see two men in a bed... together. They'd get executed.

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