62. That Man

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Oh. He was literally masturbating on the floor next to her and she was hot at the sight of him beginning to quicken his movements and- shit! She quickly closes her eyes then second she saw Hunter's head turn a bit and that was a wise decision because his eyes were back on Celeste. He was looking from her face to her breasts. He could see her nipples through the thin fabric and what he wished he could do and just pull off that damned piece of fabric. He ached to be on her, watching those sweet breasts bounce as he thrusted into her. His mind was reeling with dirty and perverted thoughts.
He looks away to close his eyes and tip his head back, hips arching a bit as he trembled. Celeste got to see that. All of it. Seeing his body tremble and let out muffled, heavy breaths. She was glad he had no idea she was watching. But what was a different thing to have happened was that she was turned on by those strings of events. She could feel herself and noticed she was now hot and bothered. Hunter was a damn good looking man.
His breaths was all that was heard for awhile until she could hear his shuffling and knew he was getting up. Soft footsteps fell through the room and then the door opening and closing quietly. The second she was in the clear, her eyes blew wide and she looked around the room and down to where Hunter was lying. Holy shit! He just masturbated right there!! Did he even know she heard and saw the whole thing?
Shit! She immediately plops back down, pretending to be asleep as she heard footsteps come back down and the door open and close again. Suddenly she feels a weight on the end of the bed and a gentle hand on her ankle, shaking it gently. She lets out a soft fake groan as if she didn't want to be woken up until feeling his hand slide up her leg some more. "Celeste?" He mumbles softly. "Hey?"
She huffs and opens her eyes lazily and green orbs meet soft hazel ones. "Hm?"
Her heart skipped a beat as he smiled at her. "Hey. Morning. I just wanted you to know that I'm gonna be heading out in a bit if you wanted to come with?"
"Head out? Where?" She sighs and stretches, Hunters hand still resting on her calf. His touch felt like electricity running through her soul. She slowly sits up with a soft groan.
Hunter moves forward to sit closer to her, his hand now moving to her furthest shoulder to steady her, both of them looking into each other's eyes. She could tell his gaze was straining. The blankets had fallen off her a bit and she was more exposed than before and he was only wearing underwear which even caused her gaze to strain as well. Awkward eye contact it was. He leans in and kisses her jaw slowly before pulling back to smile. "Probably a small hunt. Not a deer hunt but maybe for rabbit or something like that? What do you think? Wanna come?"
She felt like trembling at that kiss, her stomach flipping and spinning before smiling nervously at him. "Yeah. I'd like that. I can shift, right?"
"You'll have to ask Falco." Hunter shrugs.
     Celeste then lets out a sigh. "He won't even let me go with you, Hunter." She then purses her lips, suddenly noticing the hand on her shoulder. He gently squeezes it before pulling away and standing then stretching up into the air. She watches his bare body flex and then relax before looking away with a slight red face.
     Hunter then looks back to her with a small smile. "Come on. You don't have to get permission from Falco for everything you do, sweet Celeste." He winks slightly. "Let's Go out on a quick Hunt."
     She felt her stomach flip at the smile and his wink. He was such a nerd! She grins and laughs softly. "Okay. Okay. We just have to be quiet. I don't think either of them are up yet."
     Hunter fist pumps the air. "Yes!" He whisper yells before bouncing over to the door, quietly opening it.
     "Are you not going to get dressed?" She giggles at him.
     "Nah. If I'm just hunting, I'll be fine. You coming?"
     Celeste laughs softly. "Okay. If you aren't getting dressed, then I'm not either." She pushes herself off of the bed, her nightgown falling and straightening out. Immediately she saw Hunters eyes bouncing all over her. What a perv. She smiles at him before shifting to her wolf form.
     She was still a bit thin but nothing close to what she was and then Hunter felt his heart drop and his smiles fades, looking over her wolf form. "You.... You'll shift back again... to your human form. Right?"
Her gaze moves back to Hunter, hearing the dread in his voice. Why did he like seeing her human form so much? She looks down and slinks past him and quietly out the door. She felt so much more comfortable. This was the first time shifting since she passed and boy did it feel good! Her tails wags slightly and comes to a halt as she sees Falco and Notaku sleeping in the main area on what was a small couch. They were... sleeping... together?
Hunter frowns and slowly follows after Celeste to spot Falco and Notaku as well. What the-? Falco was literally curled into Notaku, his cheek pressed against the man's bare chest and arm wrapped around his side, leg over leg. The two young adults couldn't help but stare in awe. Falco Never let anyone touch him and they were literally witnessing him smashed up into the native. They weren't mates. Right? This was couple close. Mate close. They both were comfortable.
The young male looks to Celeste and she looks to him and they connect to speak to one another without speaking out loud. "Are they mates or what?"
"I have no idea. It's not our business anyway. We should go before one of them wakes up." Celeste lowers her head a bit and turns to walk to the front door.
Hunter looks over the two men and hesitantly leaves to open the door for Celeste and both walk out soon closing the door. Instantly he felt the cold hit his bare skin and he quickly shifted to his wolf form, looking at Celeste and gently biting her neck. "Let's go." He whines and goes forward into the deep, fresh snow.
Celeste watches him sink into it, allowing him to lead since he could give her a bit of a pathway and not take up so much energy, doing it herself. She slowly follows behind him with a quiet whine. "I'm not sure if I'm ready for this, Hunter."
"It's okay." He glances back at her. "It'll Just be quick. I just wanted to get outside with you."

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