You've Fallen For Me.

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Every where I went, I would see couples holding hands, kissing and giving presents to each other. It was Valentines' day after all. I walked to a nearby river and sat there looking at the stars and started clearing my thoughts. Valentines' day. A completely useless day. Why do people even celebrate Valentines' day with their love ones when love should be celebrated every single day? I swear, if a person ever celebrates Valentines' day to me, I'm going to break up with them immediately. It's completely useless. 

"Why is a stunning and gorgeous girl like you standing here all alone on Valentines' day? With those looks, you should be able to get any boy you want." I heard a voice say. I look back and stare at the person who was talking to me. She was completely hot. Her voice was so mesmerizing and her smile was the most perfect smile I have ever seen. 

"Hah, I have nobody to spend Valentines' day with.."

"What?! Are you serious? Like I said before, you're completely gorgeous. Hasn't any guy asked you to be theirs for the day? I'm Taeyeon, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Taeyeon. I'm Tiffany. Yeah, many guys have asked me to be their Valentines' for the day. But to be honest, I truly hate this day."

"Why? Been through a break-up or something, Tiffany?"

"Nope, I just haven't found the one yet.."

"Oh.. I see. Why do you hate this day so much? I mean, being single on this day isn't that bad."

"Hah, I don't hate this day because I'm single. I hate this day, because in my opinion, true love should be celebrated every single day with your significant other not just on a stupid celebration like this. It's completely useless. Businesses only use this day as an opportunity to gain more money.."

"I see what you mean. I like you. Will you be my Valentine for the remaining hours of this 'stupid' and 'useless' day?"

"HAHAH. Are you kidding me? Me celebrating Valentines' day? No way."

She suddenly looked at me, and slowly started closing the distance between the both of us. My body reacted on its own, and began leaning forward. I closed my eyes, waiting for her to kiss me. "Hah, did you really think that I was going to kiss you?" Taeyeon whisphered teasingly. I felt shivers going down my spine, and my face started turning red. 

"Shut up, and get away from me. Stupid dork!"

"Dork? I like it. Is that my new nickname now? You're so cute when you're angry, did you know that?" She raised her eyebrows and started giggling. I found that sight so adorable.

"Dork, shut up. You're quite adorable yourself." I suddenly started to run away to hide my embarrassment. Taeyeon started chasing after me. Despite her short height, she quite a fast runner and she was catching up to me. I looked back to see how close she was to me, when suddenly I tripped over. I landed on something soft and squishy. It was Taeyeon. Our faces were slightly touching each other. We looked into each others’ eyes and were left in our own little world.

“Hey Tiffany, you can’t possibly be falling for me already? Get it? Falling for me! AHAHA!” she started laughing. Her laugh was so dorky and sounded like an ahjumma.

“Shut up, dork. I hate you!” I tried to climb off of her, but then she pulled me into a tight embrace and whispered into my ear again. “By the look in your eyes, I don’t think you hate me. Hehehehe!” And she shortened the distance between the both of us and we kissed.

“I don’t think you hate me anymore, baby.” she said with her dorky grin on.

“Yah! Since when did I give you permission to call me baby?”

“Since when did I give you permission to call me a stupid dork, huh?”

“Ugh, you. I hate you!”

“Why? You hate me for stealing your first kiss right, baby?” My cheeks started burning, and I tried to lower my face to hide away the blush. But just when I was going to lower my face, Taeyeon lifted her hands and pinched my cheeks. “Aw. You’re so cute!”

“I hate you! I hate you for making me want to actually celebrate this occasion now.”

“Can’t you at least say, I dislike you! You hurt my feelings. Don’t talk to me anymore.” She lifted me off of her, and walked away like a child.

“Yah, Taeyeon! Come back!” I started chasing after her. I tripped over air once again, and fell into her arms again.

“Mm, what’s with you and tripping then landing in my arms? I guess I can say that you’ve completely fallen for me. Get it? AHAHAHA.” This time it was my chance to pinch her cheeks. She looked into my eyes with an innocent pout. Oh god, she looked like a little kid.

“Yes, stupid dork. I’ve fallen for a completely dorky stranger..” And with that, we ended the last minutes of Valentines’ day in each others’ embrace and showered each other with kisses.

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