Stupid Misunderstanding (Part 1)

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(Taeyeon’s POV)

‘Tae! Would you mind passing me my phone? It’s on the kitchen bench. I think I just heard my message tone!~’

I went to the kitchen bench and grabbed her phone. Since, it was a touch-screen phone; I accidently viewed the message, and was left with a shocked expression.

From: Siwonnie.

To: My Smiling Angel ~

Yah, Fany-aaah. Where are you? You’re going to be late for our ‘date’. ;)

Siwonnie? My Smiling Angel? Date?

As soon as I saw these words, my heart was filled with pain, anger and agony. How could SHE cheat on me? I started releasing my anger out on my bedroom wall. With each punch, more blood rushed out. I heard the door from the bathroom burst open; I didn’t even dare to look at the person coming out of the door. She looked at me, with shocked eyes and ran towards me immediately and hugged me from behind.

‘Oh my gosh, Tae Tae! Why are you punching the wall? You’re bleeding!’

‘Get your filthy hands off of me, Tiffany! And, don’t Tae Tae me anymore.’

‘What’s wrong with you?! What did I do? Tell me! N.O.W’

‘Hah, don’t worry about it. I think you would rather go on your ‘date’ with Siwonieeeee.’ I ran out of our dorm, with tears filled in my eyes.

With blood still on my hands and with no sense of direction, I let my feet take the lead of me. I reached a nearby river and sat on the bench. I heard my phone ring. It was Tiffany. I stared at her name. Why did I have to read that message? Why did I have to find out about everything now? Was she just toying with my feelings? Did she even love me for the past three years? Was I not worthy for her love?

She kept on calling and calling, and I rejected every single one of her calls. I soon got annoyed of the ringing tone, and just when I was about to throw my phone into the river, someone grabbed onto my wrist.

Kim Taeyeon! What the hell is wrong with you?!’ The voice sounded familiar, I looked back and saw the image of my best-friend, Yuri. ‘How could you just leave Fany like that? With no explanation?!’

‘Yeah, Kwon Yuri. Just side with her, because she’s your girlfriend’s best-friend. You do not know how much pain and agony I am in right now!’

‘I am not siding with her, Kim Taeyeon!’

'Well, it seems like it, right now. Kwon Yuri!'

'Tae.. I'm not here to fight with you, alright? Just tell me what's wrong.. I'm your best-friend after all.' That's when I collasped in her arms. Tears started pouring out of my eyes, and they wouldn't stop. I could barely talk, the only words that came out of my mouth was: 'Tiffany. Cheated. Siwon.'

'Oh my gosh, Tae! Are you serious? Tiffany cheated on you with Siwon?!' Yuri looked at me with wide eyes. 


'How did you find out?! Just now?!'

'She.. w-was in the s-shower.. and s-she told m-me to grab h-her ph-phone for her..'

'And you saw like a message or something from Siwon?' 

'Y-yeah.. H-how did you know..'

'It was just a guess. How could she cheat on you with Siwon? Are you sure, Tae?' Are you sure that that's the truth?' My crying started to disappear, and I could finaly talk proper without stuttering.

'I don't know.. I believe in what I saw, Yul.. I remember these words, Siwon, Date, Fany.' 

'Tae.. Are you seriously sure? Tiffany would never cheat on you..'

'Yul, I saw it with my own eyes! And let's get off of this 'Tiffany' topic! I DON'T WANT HEAR HER NAME OR SEE HER EVER AGAIN!' I shouted with anger. 'She's probably happy right now.. Probably happy that I'm out of her life.. What am I compared to Choi Siwon?.. I'm just a short dork weighing her down..'

'Tae.. Don't say that.. I know deep down inside, Tiffany loves you to bits.'

'I don't know what to believe in now, Yul...' 

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