Stupid Misunderstanding (Part 3)

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(Taeyeon's POV)

It's been a month, since the supposely 'break-up' of mine and Tiffany's. Behind all the smiles and laughs that I've been putting on for the past month, there's an emo-side to me.. I really miss her. I admit that I'm a jerk for saying all those things to her, and not listening to her explaination. Ever since that stupid fight, she has moved out of our dorm and went to live in her father's house. Sigh, why is Kim Taeyeon so stupid? I don't even know.

I've tried so many times to try and get her back, I've even made a book called 'Project: Make Tiffany Hwang, Kim Taeyeon's property again.' But every single time I try to do something, she just looks at me weirdly and walks off. After all the hurt I put her through, I guess, I don't blame her.

I guess, it's just another day of boring school and being emo-Taeng again.

(Tiffany's POV)

'Just in time for school, Emo-Taeng. I thought you wouldn't come, because you were probably going to break down again!' I heard Kibum say. I looked up at her for the first time in a month. She's gone so much slimmer, her eye bags were really showing, and she just looked like a walking zombie.

'Yah, shut up Kibum and mind your own business!' She replied. She looked so tired.. Is she still upset about our fight? 

'Ooh, Emo-Shorty told me to shut up. Stop confessing to Tiffany already. She's already over you.' I was about to walk over and slap Kibum in the face, when suddenly Jessi held my hand and stopped me. I looked at her with a confused expression. 'Let's see what Taeng does.' Jessi mouthed to me.

'I know she's over me and that's why I'm going to stop. If she's happy without me, then she's happy without me. I seriously don't understand why you have to butt into my business. Are you my dad? No. You aren't. So, stay the fuck out of my life.' I've never seen her so angry in my whole entire life.. And, she's just going to give up on me like that?.. Sigh.

'Ooh, your words are a bit harsh there, Kim Taeyeon. Go back to your table and have a cry!' I looked at Tae once again, her face was all red. She was fuming up with anger. She stomped right in front of Kibum and just when she was about to punch him in the face. I ran up to her, hugged her from behind. Her whole body started to tense. I whispered: 'It's not worth it, Tae.. Don't do it.' 

'Hey Tiff. What do you see in this shorty anyway? Siwon is way better than her. She just weighs you down.' I glared at him. 

'Shut up, Kibum. Siwon and I are just friends. And plus, he already has a girlfriend! So stop telling me to go out with him and stop making Tae's life like hell, before I make you actually see hell!' 

'Ooh, Hwang sticking up for her useless ex.' 

'Just shut up, okay?!' I walked off and dragged Tae to the oval, leaving Jessi in the classroom.

(Tiffany's POV)

'Why did you bother.. Tiffany?' I looked at her, and I could see the pain in her eyes.

'I don't know.. Why did I bother, Tae..' She looked at me, and sighed.

'Why didn't you just let me punch him? It would've solved everything..' She laid onto the grass and looked up to the sky. 

'Solve everything? Violence doesn't solve everything Tae..' I chuckled at her and sat down beside her. 

'I guess so.. I'm sorry, you know..' I heard her mutter. 

'Sorry for what?' I turned over to the side and looked at her. 

'I'm sorry for being a jerk.. Not listening to your explanations. For making these crazy assumptions. And, for breaking our relationship apart.. I'm sorry.' She looked like a little kid, apologising to her parents for doing something wrong. It was such a cute sight. 

'I really miss you, you know.. It hurts every time I confess to you and you reject me.. But I guess, it's finally registered in my head that you don't want me anymore..'

'Tae-Tae..' She placed two fingers on my lips and said: 'Shh.. Just listen to me..' I nodded, while losing myself in her eyes. 

'I look back to that day of the fight, and realised how stupid I was. Kim Taeyeon is forever a loser and a jerk for breaking Tiffany Hwang's heart.. I'm an idiot right, Fany-ah..'  You're an idiot for making me fall for you again, Tae.. 

'You may not want me anymore, but I'll try my hardest to get you back. I'll succeed one day, and make Tiffany Hwang, Kim Taeyeon's property once again. But if you choose to love somebody else and not me, even if it kills me, I'll wish you happiness, Fany-ah..'

'So you're going to make Tiffany Hwang, Kim Taeyeon's property again?' I chuckled. A simple statement like that could trigger those butterflies in my stomach. 

'Yes, I will make Tiffany Hwang my property again.'

'How are you so sure, that I will become yours again.. Remember when you said: ‘She isn't my GIRL anymore. I DON'T WANT HER TO BE MY GIRL ANYMORE'?' I loved teasing her, but this time, I think she took it a bit too seriously. I could see the hurt in her eyes.

'I know I said that.. I didn't mean it! I swear, I didn't!' She lifted up her hands to say that she was innocent. I giggled at her and held up my hands, so they looked like a gun. She's so adorable, why did I even leave her..

'Okay, Tae. I believe you. But prove it to me, okay?'

'Yes, sir!' She saluted. I laughed at her, and she finally smiled, showing her dorky grin.


‘What is it, Tae?’

‘Can I call you Fany-ah again.. and can you call me Tae Tae again?’ She looked down at the ground, avoiding my eyes. Her cheeks were red, and she looked so shy. Aw, she’s so freaking cute. Gaah, Kim Taeyeon. You’re going to make me die from your cuteness.

‘Yeah, you can. Tae Taeeee~’ I added aegyo when I said her name. Her eyes widen. ‘What, Tae. You don’t like my aegyo anymore?’ I pouted.

‘N-No. I l-loved y-your a-aegyo..’ She’s so easy to tease. I just love it when she stutters‘C-Can.. I.. h-hug y-you?’

‘Sigh, Tae Tae. What’s with you and asking permission for everything you do? Come here!’ I pulled her in for a tight embrace. After a few minutes, we broke the hug.

‘I love you, Fany-ah.. I won’t ever let you go..’

‘You better not. Prove it to me.’

‘I will~ Kim Taeyeon will!’

‘This means we’re back to Stage One, Tae Tae. No butt grabbing!’

‘AW, MAN!’ She pouted and I went to pinch her cheeks. She’s just so easy to tease. 

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