Peridot Appears

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~Emerald's P.O.V~

Steven had seen something going through the warps while we were in there. We had found it hard to believe that there was actually something else in there, but Steven never lied. So we were gonna go check it out. I hadn't been very...appreciative of the rude awakening though. I had only been napping for about an hour or two, so I hadn't really liked the idea of getting up and warping to another area. Although, what we discovered made up for it.

There was another gem, with weird robo-fingers talking to herself. She had apparently fixed the warp pad that Sugilite had smashed when Garnet and Amethyst were fused. There were these little robo-spheres with legs crawling around on the ground around her.

"Aww, they're like her babies!" Steven had exclaimed, but his face fell when she (Peridot, as we learned her name was) crushed one she labeled as defective. I frowned at this, Why couldn't she just have fixed it? All it had was a little crack! Then again, Homeworld never had liked those they deemed as 'defective' or 'different'.

I saw her pull of the "Crying Waffle" sticker, and apparently we had been too loud, because we had been noticed, and now everyone was getting ready to fight.

"Ugh... This isn't gonna be pleasant." I said, getting up from my spot and summoning my weapon, a green staff that had a Sheppard's crook on the end.

"Psh, speak for yourself, E, this is gonna be awesome! I've been wanting to hit something!" Ah Amethyst, always the optimist. Hitting things is pretty fun though.

~~Time Skip because I suck at writing battle scenes~~

"Argh! I cant believe she got away! I SO had her!" Amethyst raged, annoyed by Peridot getting away from us. I couldn't blame her... I was kind of peeved too. That brat had called us all clods.

"We'll get her, next time. For now, we need to be on a lookout to find her." Garnet, always the voice of calmness, said to us.  When we were back in the house, I decided that I needed to go to my room and meditate.

My room looks mostly like a typical human's bedroom, and it's (mostly) color coordinated in different shades of green, blue, and purple. My favorite colors. The 'walls', floor, and ceiling are a light shade of green, my bed and beanbag chairs are a dark green,  my pillows are purple, and most of my stuffed animals (Hey, they're fun to collect, ok?) are different shades of blue and purple. I had a lot of random items I had collected from missions laying around too.

I sighed and headed over to one of the beanbag chairs that I had dubbed as my meditation chair and sat down.

I closed my eyes and searched my memories to see if I could find anything on Peridots, since I didn't really remember seeing many on Homeworld before I had rebelled with Rose and the other Crystal Gems.


"Emerald, what do you think of the new gems? They're Peridots. 'Posed ta be engineering gems. Good thing, they're way too small and puny ta be warriors like us Quartz gems.. Then again, you're kinda small too." One of my friends at the time, a Jasper, looked down at me and grinned; she always liked to throw in how short I was compared to her in any conversation.

I frowned and looked back at one of the new gems.  She was putting on the 'limb enhancers' that they would all wear, so they could access information at any time, and have a little more strength in case they would need it at some point. "I suppose they'll suffice for the job that they have been assigned."

~~Flashback End~~

I shook my head and opened my eyes, lightly chuckling at how strict and formal I used to act. I had hated it so much. I hadn't gotten much information, but what I had gotten would surely help in someway or another.

I stepped out of my room and the door closed be hind me with a small hiss.

"Yo, Garnet! I got some info on Peridots for ya."

Garnet raised a brow and motioned for me to go on, so I sat beside her on the couch and began.

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