Another New Student

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~Kaito's point of view~

I smirked at the newspaper I was reading, or rather the article, as the bell for the start of class ring. 'Kaitou Kid escapes again! Last night Kid tried to steal the Crystal Tear Drop. Inspector Nakamori may have retrieved the gem but, he has yet to catch the phantom thief. Some people are starting to think Kid is actually a real phantom.....' Then suddenly the paper was ripped from my hands by a furious Aoko. "How can you read this stuff! That Kid is a huge baka!" Aoko ranted as she tore my newspaper to shreds. "Hey, Ahoko! I didn't finish reading that!" I said with a pout. "What was that Bakaito!" Aoko yelled back. "Kuroba-kun and Nakamori-san please be quiet class is about to start." The Sensei yelled at us. "Sorry Sensei!" Aoko squeaked and hurried to her seat. Then the door opened and a girl peeked in. She then entered the classroom and bowed to Sensei. "I apologize for being late Sensei." The girl apologized. "It's alright. Did you get lost?" Sensei asked the still bowed girl. She straitened back up and everyone gasped. She was a mess! Her left check was bruised, her lip split, her uniform dirty, and she had many bruises all over her body. Her uniform jacket was opened and hung down at her elbows, exposing that one of her long sleeves was ripped off, her tie hung loosely around her neck, and her skirt was split on the side showing of more of her bruised right leg. "What happened!?" Sensei asked panicked. "Don't tell me the new student got in a gang fight!?" I said with fake surprised. As everyone started murmuring about my statement being true or not, I snickered. The girl huffed and walked over to my desk. "For your information I actually did get in a gang fight.....asshole." She told me, mumbling the last word. "I heard that!" I yelled at her. "What was I supposed to not help the middle school girls getting mugged by those thugs." She huffed at me. "You were helping people?" I asked her surprised. "Of course! I'm not some idiot Yankee that goes around looking for fights..... baka." She defended herself, again mumbling the insult. "Hey, I heard that too!" I yelled angrily at her. "Oh did you now, Mr.magician." She said with a smirk. I starred at her wide eyed. "How did you know Kaito was a magician." Aoko voiced my thoughts, as she budded in to are conversation. "Simple, I can see he has the delicate hands of a magician and a pack of magic trick cards is sticking out of his bag. If you put that together with the fact that Sensei warned me, when I came to register for this school, to watch out for the prankster magician in my class, then even a child can deduce that your a magician." She monologued. "That's very impressive Doyle-san. But if you don't mind I would like to start class before lunchtime. So would you please introduced yourself!?" Sensei said slightly ticked off. "Of course Sensei, my apologies." She said politely. She walked up to the board, wrote her name across it, and fixed her uniform. She bowed quickly and then said "Nice to meet you. My name is Arisa Doyle. Please call me by my first name." Even though she looked beat up she was very beautiful. I could see all the guys looking dreamily at her. "Okay Arisa-san please go sit to the right of Kuroba-san. Kuroba-san please raise your hand so Arisa-san can find her seat." Sensei told us. I lazily raised my hand and Arisa went and sat down in her seat, beside me. "Alright class please take out your math books and we will get started." Sensei instructed us.

~time skip to the end of the day~

The bell for the end of class finally rung and I gathered up my stuff. "Hey Arisa-san, do you want to walk home with Kaito and me?" Aoko offered Arisa. I sent Aoko a glare, which of course she didn't notice, while Arisa replied. "Which way are you going?" Arisa asked. "Passed the train station, then south." Aoko told her. 'Say no!' I yelled in my mind, trying to some how make Arisa to decline Aoko's offer.  "Yeah I'll walk with you. I was headed for the station anyway." Arisa accepted. 'No!!!' I screamed in my mind as the two walked over to me. "Let's go Kaito." Aoko told me. I let out I sigh and followed the two girls outside. As we walked, Arisa and Aoko talked, I walked behind them glaring at the ground and sulking. As we passed a technology store, Aoko suddenly stopped and turned to face me. "Geez Kaito, stop sulking it's rude." Aoko scolded. I directed my glare to her and Arisa chuckled. "It's quite alright Aoko, besides he looks cute whose he pouts." Arisa teased me with a wink. A bright crimson immediately covered my cheeks, even thought I know she was teasing me. "Aww, Kaito's blushing." Aoko teased, poking my cheek. "Baka, of course I'm not blushing." I defend myself. "Oh no, Kuroba-san do you have a fever." Arisa asked concerned as she got up close to me and put her hand on my forehead. "N-no I'm f-fine." I stuttered flustered as my face became two shades darker. "Are you sure? You seem a little warm." Arisa told me. 'Oh my gosh, she is cute!' I thought. Her long wavy pale blond hair perfectly framed her beautiful face. She started at me with her beautiful electric blue eyes filled with concern, and I couldn't look away. She was so breathtaking and I knew that the moment I meet her. As I was about to assure her I was alright, the news appeared on some the television in the technology store's window. We turned are attention to the television as the as the reporter started to talk. "Breaking news! A bus with 7 passengers has been hijacked by a criminal, who is now holding the passengers all hostage until his demands are met. The bus was last seen heading north bound on Sengaku road two minutes ago." the reporter said. "We are on Sengaku road!" Aoko gasped. "The bus is gonna pass her in a minute." Arisa stated. "How do you know that?" I asked her finally calm. "Sengaku road is a one way road with the only entrance for miles, is ten miles from here. If he has been following that road for two minutes going the speed limit, the bus will pass us in one minute." Arisa explained. "I can't let this criminal get away with this!" Arisa suddenly declared. "What are you talking about Arisa, leave it to the police." Aoko told Arisa. Arisa ignored Aoko and ran over to a man getting out of his car. Arisa talked to the him and then handed her the keys. "Arisa what are you doing?" I questioned her as she got in the drivers seat. She started the engine and pulled away from the curb as the hijacked bus came into view. Then everything happened so fast. Arisa drove backwards into the side of the bus and stopping it. As Arisa stumbled out of the totalled car, the hijacker came out of the bus to look for the person responsible for interrupting his crime. His eyes caught Arisa and her lunged at her knife in hand. Arisa kicked the knife out of his hand and then delivered a quick chop to his neck. The hijacker fell to the ground unconscious and Aoko and me sprinted over to her concerned. "Oh my gosh! Arisa are you alright!?" Aoko asked panicked. "I'll manage." Arisa grunted in pain as she hobbled over to meet us. She stumbled the last little bit and I caught her. "You alright?" I asked her concerned. "Yeah, I've been through a lot worse." Arisa said weakly as I helped her up. The police soon arrived and took the hijacker away and questioned Arisa while the ambulance was on its way. I sat on the curb with Arisa when she suddenly gasped a stood up. "I forgot I have to pick up Haru! Kuroba-san  please tell the police I'll come to the station later today to give them my statement." Arisa told me as she ran to the station. "Wait! Arisa your seriously hurt and need to go to the hospital." I yelled after her, as I tried to catch up to her. I got into the station just as she boarded and the doors closed. "Arisa!" I yelled at her frustrated as the train pulled away. "See you tomorrow." Arisa said with a wave before the train was out of sight.
I walked out of the station and back to Aoko. "Where's Arisa? The ambulance is here." Aoko asked me. "She left." I grumbled. "What!? She's hurt Kaito. Why didn't you stop her!?" Aoko asked angrily. "I did, but she got on the train just as it was leaving." I defended.  Aoko let out a sigh and headed over to tell the ambulance that Arisa left.
I'll I could think about was Arisa. Was she okay. How beautiful she was. How so perfect so was. I let out a cry of frustration. 'Why can I only think about Arisa!' I screamed in my head. Finally Aoko came back and we headed home. And that is how I came to meet Arisa Doyle.

A New Detective Joins The Game! (Detective Conan x OC x Kid) (UNDER REVISION)Where stories live. Discover now