The New Student

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~Conan's Point of View~

I sat at my desk bored out of my mind as class was about to start. Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and Genta where talking about Karmen Yaiba, while Haibara was reading a magazine. Finally Kobayashi-sensei came in and everyone settled down and went to their seats. "Good morning class! Today we have a new student joining us. Please come in Haru-kun." Kobayashi-sensei said. I looked up from the desk as a young boy with pure white hair and red eyes came into the room. He whore a dark green sweater, beige cargo shorts, red sneakers, and a pair of red and silver headphones around his neck. "Why don't you introduce yourself Haru-kun." Sensei said. "Yo, I'm Haru. Nice to meet you." Haru, the boy, said. "Now does anybody have any questions for Haru-kun?" Sensei asked. Almost every kid in are class' hand shot up and they all started to say 'pick me!' Or 'I do!' To try to get their question answered first. "How about Ayumi-chan." Sensei said. Said girl happily jumped up from her seat and asked "How come your hair is white and your eyes are red?" "Ayumi-chan! That's rude!" Sensei scolded her. Ayumi looked down ashamed. "I don't mind." Haru said and Ayumi perked up. "I'm albino so that's why my hair is white. But about my eyes being red is personal, so I'm sorry but I can't tell you." He told her. "What does albino mean?" Genta shouted out. Haru turned to him and explained "A person how has less pigment in their skin, hair, or eyes. It's a disease. And pigment is basically the thing that gives your body parts colour. That is why my hair is white and my skin is pale." "Oh!" The whole class exclaimed understanding the new word now. "Where are you from?" Mitsuhiko asked. "England. I lived with my onee-san in a mansion onee-san's great grandfather owned." Haru told him. "A mansion! Amazing!" Ayumi exclaimed. "If I may ask who is your onee-san?" Haibara asked. I looked at her and she glanced out of the corner of her eye at me. I silently sent her a 'you caught that to' which she gave a slight nod to tell me she had. He both looked back up to the front as Haru said "Arise Lyra Doyle, now my onee-san. Gramps may have adopted me, but that is only temporary. Once onee-san is 18 she will take guardianship of me." "Haru-kun do you mean the Arisa Doyle, that is CEO of Doyle inc!?" Sensei asked him shocked. "Yeah, that's onee-san for you! Only 17 and already running the largest and richest company in the world! She's the reason I had to come to school!" Haru said pouting at the end of his last sentence. "Why?" Genta asked. Haru looked over to him and said "onee-san said since she has to suffer and go to high school to make some friends, then I have to suffer too! She can be so childish sometimes!" "You didn't want to come to school?!" Ayumi said sadly. "N-no, I mean I didn't want to have to do elementary school work again. I should, I mean I want to make some friends my age for once." Haru told Ayumi to try to make her happy. Which worked as the girl perked up and said, "Then you can play with my friend's and me at recess!" "Yeah! We are playing soccer!" Genta cheered. "Okay." Haru said warily. "It's time to start class now! Haru-kun your seat is behind Ayumi-chan and beside Conan-kun. Ayumi-chan, Conan-kun please raise your hands so that Haru-kun can find his seat. Ayumi and me raised are hands and Haru went and sat down in his seat. We started to do multiplication tables while Haru took out a notebook and started doing grade 11 calculus! A stared wide eyed at him. He look over meeting my eyes and gave me a sheepish grin as he rubbed the back of his neck, before turning back to his book and answering questions with rapid speed. I looked back at the board and saw we were only on 5th multiplication table. I put my head back on my desk and thought 'lucky him!' Then the bell went. Kids rushed out the doors to go enjoy recess. Ayumi, Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Hiabara came over to my desk with a soccer ball. "Come on Conan-kun, let's go play!" Ayumi said grabbing my hand. "Yeah! We finally have an even number of players!" Genta cheered as he pulled Haru over to us. "Are you sure it's alright for me to play?" Haru asked. "Of course it is come on Haru-kun." Ayumi said a grabbed his hand with her free on and pulled Haru and me out the door. "Wait for us!" Mitsuhiko and Genta yelled after us. They were running while Hiabara was just walking. When we reached the soccer nets we split into teams. Hiabara, Mitsuhiko, and me were team 1 while Haru, Ayumi, and Genta were team 2. "I'll be in net if you would like." Haru told Ayumi and Genta. "Okay then me and Genta will be forward!" Ayumi replied. "Yeah! Let's go!" Genta cheered. On are team Mitsuhiko was in net and Hiabara and me were forward."You guys can start." I said as I kick the ball over to Ayumi. "Okay! Let's go Genta." Ayumi said as she started to carry the ball towards our net. Hiabara went up and intercepted her, taking the ball and then passing it to me. I went up past Genta and amied for the left side of the net. Haru deflected it by diving and it came back to me. As Haru tried to scramble up off the floor I aimed for the right side with a smirk. Then everything seemed to go in slow motion. As Ayumi and Genta tried in vain to get back to the net to help Haru, I saw Haru smirk slightly. Then it was like he disappeared. One second he was on the ground, the next he was in the air at the right side of the net ball in hand. He then landed perfectly and yelled, "Genta-kun cover net for a sec! Ayumi-chan go up!" He dropped the ball down in front of him and started carrying it up at an amazing speed. He rushed right past me and Hibara and when to take a shot at Mitsuhiko. At the last possible second he passed it to Ayumi and she scored a goal before Mitsuhiko could recover from Haru's fake out. Ayumi stared wide eyed at the ball in the net then yelled out, "Yeah! I got a goal! I got a goal!" "Good job Ayumi-chan!" I told her. "Nice shot! Seriously it was better than most professional can do." Haru said as he raised his hand up for a high five. Ayumi beamed and high fives him before she glomped him in a hug. "It's all thanks to you Haru-kun! Your amazing!" Ayumi told him as she squeezed him tight. "T-thanks Ayumi-chan! B-but could you l-let go, y-your cursing m-me!" Haru squeaked. Ayumi immediately let go. "Ah! I'm so sorry! Are you all right Haru-kun!" Ayumi asked concerned. "Y-yeah I'm f-fine!" Haru said between coughs. I went over a offered Haru my hand. He looked up at me, smiled, and took it. "Thanks." Haru said as I pulled him up. "Your welcome." I replied. "Ding dong, dong ding." "That's the bell lets get back to class." Haru said as he started to walk forward. I looked at the others and we had a silent agreement that we should ask Haru to join the detective boys. "What's wrong guys? Class is starting." Haru said as he noticed none of us were moving. "Haru-kun we want to know if you would like to join the detective boys!" Ayumi asked him. "Detective boys? Sure sounds cool!" Haru agreed. We all sweat dropped. "You shouldn't agree to things so easily when you don't even know what they are about!" I scolded him. "But I do know what it's about! The detective boys are a group of kids that solve crimes around Tokyo, at least that's what onee-san told me." Haru stated. "And besides I can't let onee-san have all the fun catching all the criminals. She can be really careless and most times ends up getting hurt, where she then needs to go to the hospital." Haru said. "The hospital!?" Ayumi yelped. "Ah, shit I said to much." Haru then mumbled under his breath, which I caught. "Well onee-san has a rare heart condition and can sometimes over do it when she is trying to catch criminals that try to run. Ha ha ha..." Haru replied, laughing nervously at the end. "Oh okay." Ayumi said as she opened the classroom door and we all entered. "Okay let's start class. Everyone please take your seats." Sensei told us. We all took are seats and sensei stared the lesson. As she taught I looked over at Haru and watched him do high school work, thinking about what he said before. 'They way he acts is way more mature and advanced then any grade schooler should be like, but there's no doubt that he is an actual 7 year old. Then why do I still have this weird feeling about him. Then there's his onee-san, Arisa Doyle. I should look into her too.' While I thought about Haru, sensei finished the rest of the lessons and before I knew it school was over. "Haru-kun, would you like to walk home with us?" Ayumi asked. "Maybe next time Ayumi-chan, onee-san is coming to pick me up today. But thanks for the offer!" Haru said before grabbing his bag and heading out of class. "Bye guy's! See you all tomorrow!" Haru yelled waving as he exited the classroom. "Bye!" Ayumi said. "See you!" Genta yelled. "Goodbye Haru-kun!" Mitsuhiko replied. "Let's go." Hiabara told us as she grabbed her own bag and headed to the door. We all caught up with her and started to walk home. As we exited the gate we saw Haru leaning against the wall beside the gate. He had his eyes closed and had his headphones on. Ayumi was about to get his attention when suddenly his eyes shot open and he looked over to the left away from us. We followed his gaze and saw a girl in the Edoka high school uniform running towards him. The thing that was out of place was the fact that her uniform was ripped in odd places and covered in blood. "Haru! I'm sorry I'm late!" The girl yelled as she waved at him as she jogged over. Haru removed his headphones and glared up at her. "Onee-san, I know you are a little late but I think it would have been better if you cleaned yourself up before coming her. Are you trying to scare kids. Your a complete mess you idiot, and your supposed to be the older sibling. Jeez did you get hit by a bus or something!" Haru scolded her. "Haru don't be so mean to me! It's not my fault that robber lost it and hijacked a bus with passengers! What was I supposed to do let him get away with those innocent passengers! And besides I replayed that guy I took the car from so no harm done!" The girl defended. "You really are a idiot! You actually did get hit by a bus!? I was just kidding! Geez, who in their right mind stops a hijacked bus by hijacking a car and crashing it into said bus! Look at yourself your bleeding everywhere! What am I supposed to do with you!" Haru yelled at her. Before she could reply, I cleared my throat, letting them know we were there too. Haru turned around shocked and the girl looked surprised. "Onee-san are you alright!" Ayumi asked concerned. "Y-yeah, of course I am. T-this... This is... fake blood! Yeah! I'm an actor in a movie shot not far from here." She lied. "Onee-san, it's not good to lie to kids." I started, "The way your uniform is cut and where the blood is coming out are not special effects. Those are completely real wounds and you should get them checked out." I finished. "Let me guess... Edogawa Conan right? A detective boy, the kid killer, lives with the famous Mouri Kogoro, and 7 year old genius." She said. I looked at her shocked. "How!?" I yelped. "Oh, sorry I should have introduced myself first! Arisa Lyra Doyle, 17 years old, CEO of Doyle inc, photographic memory, reckless detective, and soon to be mother of Haru!" She said with a bow. "Onee-san don't talk so casually about that! And that is how I came to meet Arisa Doyle.

A New Detective Joins The Game! (Detective Conan x OC x Kid) (UNDER REVISION)Where stories live. Discover now