First Case and Hiest Note

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This picture is Arisa.

~Haru's POV~

It had been a week since Onee-san and me had started going to school. Today I was going to the park to play soccer with the Detective boys and Onee-san. I was currently banging on her door right now. "Hurry up or we'll be late!" I shouted through the door at her. "Hold your horses, I'm coming," she yelled back I huffed and leaned on the wall beside her door. 5 mins later, she finally came out. "Took you long enough," I grumbled and looked up at her. Then a blush covered my cheeks and I turned my head away. "What's wrong Haru?" She asked innocently. "N-nothing.....lets go already." I said as I tried to suppress my blush. She was wearing a red muscle shirt with Sherlock Holmes written across in black, black jeans, and her favourite turquoise sneakers. Her hair was down in low long pigtails. We then started walking to the park. "We're playing soccer, soccer, soccer, oh yes we're playing soccer, and it's gonna be fun!" Onee-san cheered. "Stop acting so immature!" I snapped at her. "Haru don't be so mean to me," she pouted, "I'm just trying to have some fun." I let out a sigh as we entered the park. "Haru-kun! Arisa-neesan! Over here!" I heard Ayumi-chan yell from over on the field. Onee-san and I jogged up to them. "Yeah let's play soccer!" Onee-san cheered. "Yeah!" Ayumi-chan, Mitsuhiko-kun, and Genta-kun agreed and all four of them ran towards the soccer field. I could see Conan-kun sweat drop out of the corner of my eye and Haibara-san let out a long sigh. "Come on guys," I started, "someone needs to watch them." Conan-kun chuckled and Haibara-san smiled softly. Then all three of us ran after the others.

~time skip to after the soccer game~

The soccer game ended with a tie. Now we were heading to a near by family restaurant for lunch. "That was so fun!" Onee-san laughed. "Yeah!" Mitsuhiko-kun, Ayumi-chan, and Genta-kun cheered in agreement as we entered the restaurant. We were seated in a big booth close to the washrooms. "Welcome! My name is Kimiko and I'll be your waitress for today," a energetic blt own haired waitress said, "what can I get you?" "An eel rice bowl!" Genta-kun yelled happily. "I'll have the beef rice bowl please," Ayumi-chan chirped. "I'll have that as well," Mitsuhiko-kun said. "I'll have a curry," Haibara-san told her. "Same as her please," Conan-kun said. "I'll take a salmon bowl," I told the waitress. "One large black coffee with 13 grains of sugar," Onee-san said. The waitress looked at her funny but took her order down none the less. "You need to stop drinking only coffee for meals and actually eat food," I scolded Onee-san. "Hehe," Onee-san chuckled. I sighed and dropped the subject. Ayumi-chan, Genta-kun, and Mitsuhiko-kun started to talk about Karmen Yaiba. Soon our food arrived and we all eat, or drank in onee-san's case. Once we all finished, onee-san called for the bill. "I have to go to the bathroom," Genta-kun said. "Okay," Onee-san told him, "I believe it's down that hallway." She pointed down a hallway and Genta-kun ran to it telling a quick "thanks!" Back to Onee-san. As she payed the bill, we all suddenly heard a scream from the bathroom. Genta-kun's scream. Onee-san jumped up from her seat. "Haru!" She yelled as she started to run to the bathroom, Conan-kun a not far behind her. "Right!" I yelled back and ran and stood in front of the restaurants door. Just in time too. An employee was about to leave when I stopped in front of the door. "What are you doing?" He asked me, "I need to leave." "No," I told him, holding my arms out to block the door, "you can't." "Haru-kun," Ayumi-chan said as she, Mitsuhiko-kun, and Hibara-san came over to me, "what are you doing?" "Not letting anyone leave," I answered. "What?! Why?" The employee asked me. "Because as of this moment everyone here is a suspect," Onee-san said with a smirk as she pulled out her hair ties, letting her bangs cover her eyes, as she and Conan-kun came out of the bathroom. "Suspects in what?" The manager asked as she came out from behind the register. "In a murder," Onee-san said as she looked up, showing the eyes of wisdom far beyond her years.

~Conan's pov~

It was amazing. Arisa solved the murder in only five minutes. That was extremely fast even for me! And it was a hard case too. The victim was a fifty-five year old man. His name was Hamada Ren and he was a landlord. He owned a apartment complex nearby. The serve that had served us and the serve that had served the deceased lived at that apartment complex. Apparently the deceased had been harassing our server and the other server was her boyfriend. He used a method form his favorite show, Sherlock, to kill the deceased. (He used the method from season 3 episode 2, used to almost kill that soldier and Major Sholto.) The murder weapon was a meat thermometer used to check the deceased's roast. The serve pretend to leave it in by mistake, and when bowing in an apology, he stabbed the victim through his belt under the table. The victim didn't notice, and so when he went to the bathroom and removed his belt, the wound was opened and he quickly died of blood loss. The police soon arrived and Arisa told them everything and showed them the evidence. We were told to all report to the police station tomorrow at noon to give our statements. As we left the restaurant Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko were all talking about how amazing Arisa was because she solved the case so fast. Arisa just looked out of it as she retied her hair in the low pigtails. "Onee-san," Haru said softly and grabbed her hand, "how about we get some ice cream?" That seemed to snap her out of it as she smiled cheekily at Haru and chirped, "what an excellent idea! Ice cream here I come!" She started running to a ice cream stand not far from us and he all had to run after her. As she ordered us all ice cream, I wondered about how she could be so intelligent and serious one second and then be so childish and playful the next.

~small time skip~

~Haru's pov~

We had all finished our ice cream and we were now walking up the stairs of the Mori detective agency. We were dropping of Conan-kun's soccer ball before we headed to see a movie. It was Onee-san's idea. As we walked into the agency we heard a girliy squeal. It was from a light brown haired girl. "Sonoko," a girl with dark brown hair said, "he's a thief, a bad guy." "I don't care," Sonoko said to the dark brown haired girl, "Kid-sama will be mine." I felt bad for this 'kid-sama', who ever he was. "Ah, Conan-kun," the dark haired girl finally noticed us. "Hi, Ran-neechan, Sonoko-neechan, Oji-san," Conan-kun greeted everyone. I guess I hadn't noticed the man behind the desk. "Oh who are they," Ran-neechan inquired politely, asking about me and Onee-san. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance," Onee-san said formally, falling back into her habit of greeting important business people, "my name is Doyle Arisa. May I inquire your name as well miss?" "M-my n-names M-Mori Ran," Ran-neechan squeaked blushing. Onee-san blinked a couple of times before noticing she went a little over board. "Ah, sorry," Onee-san yelped, "I fell into one of my old habits of formal greetings. Sorry I didn't mean to embarrass you." Ran-neechan smiled warmly, "it's no problem at all." Ran-neechan then kneeled down in front of me and gave me a smile, "and who might you be?" "I'm Doyle Haru," I told her. "Your so cute!" She squeaked and hugged me to her chest. I felt a small glare from Conan-kun. Ran-neechan released me and stood up to be nudged in the side by Sonoko-neechan. "Oh, right," this is my beast friend Suzuki Sonoko, and my father Mori Kogoro." The detective gave a small nod but kept his attention focused on the piece of paper in his grasp. "What is Oji-san looking at?" Conan-kun asked Ran-neechan. "Kid's latest heist note," Sonoko-neechan told him. "Kid?" Onee-san pondered aloud, "is he that Japanese thief that always sends out riddles that hide the time and date of his planed Heist?" "Yes," Ran-neechan said, "that's him." Onee-san's eyes brightened up. "Can I see the heist note?!" She chirped childishly, bouncing in place. "Sure," Sonoko-neechan said and handed Onee-san a piece of paper. Onee-san grabbed the paper and knelt down so we could all read it as well. "On the first day of the month of the Hare, when time has stopped tea from coming, I will appear and make the Rabbit's Timepiece disappear as its owner does," Onee-san read aloud, "how interesting." To my surprise Onee-san folded the piece of paper up instead of trying to figure it out. "Mind if I keep this?" Onee-san asked, nudging my shoulder slightly and glancing towards the window. "Go ahead," Sonoko-neechan said, "I have plenty of copies. You can take an extra just in case." "Thanks," Onee-san said as she grabbed an extra copy. As this happened I glanced towards the the window and saw, a dove? Once Onee-san knew I had saw the dove she set what ever plan she had in motion. She grabbed a cookie off the coffee table and headed to the window saying, "aww, look it's a cute little dove!" She very slowly opened the window, so as not to startle the bird. She crushed the cookie in to crumbs and held out her hand. The dove pecked at the crumbs before jumping on her hand and starting to eat it. She pulled her hand inside and we all ran up to her (except Kogoro). "Careful," she said as she reassured the bird that had gotten spooked, "you don't want to scare it." As the others fawned over the bird, I saw Onee-san sneakily take something off of the birds leg without anyone else noticing. The bird soon finished the crumbs and ruffled it's feathers. Onee-san moved her hand back outside the window, and the bird flew away. "Bye, bye!" Ayumi-chan yelled after it. Onee-chan closed the window and then said, "let's get going or we'll miss the movie." We said goodbye to Ran-neechan, Sonoko-neechan, and Kogoro-ojisan and left out the door. Onee-chan fell behind a bit, so I glanced over my shoulder. She was holding up some device to her mouth and whispering something. Luckily she taught me how to read lips. So I read her lips. She was saying, "nice try Mr.thief, but not good enough. It's my win this time. Your move," before she crushed it in her hand and dropped the shattered pieces in a nearby garbage can. For some odd reason, I have a bad felling about this. As we came up to the ticket stand I let out a sigh preparing myself for the future.

A New Detective Joins The Game! (Detective Conan x OC x Kid) (UNDER REVISION)Where stories live. Discover now