Health Problems at School

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This is a picture of Haru, just without red eyes. His eyes are supposed to be red, but this was the best picture I could find.

~Kaito pov~

I sat at my desk staring at Arisa's empty one. She hadn't come to school since her first day. It had been a little more than a week since that day and I was worried. For one, she had left without getting medical attention after she had crashed into a bus and faced down a criminal. And for another, she had easily found the listening device I had planted on my dove outside the Mouri's Detective Agency. I sighed and dropped my head on the desk. "That's not like you Kuroba-san," came an all to familiar British accented voice. "Hakuba," I acknowledged looking up at the British detective, "look I'm not in the mood." "Bakaito!" Aoko yelled slapping me on the head, "that's no way to talk to Hakuba-san. Especially since he just got back from England." "Ahoko, leave me be," I whined, my head slumping down on my desk. "Nakamori-san," Hakuba whispered to the girl, "do you know what's wrong with him. I've never seen him like this." "I think it has to do with the new girl Arisa Doyle," Aoko said, "she hasn't come to school since her first day and after school she stopped a bus hijacker and left the scene without getting medical attention." "Well excuse me for not getting medical attention," a melodic voice came from the classroom doors, "but I was late for picking up my brother." "Arisa-san!" Aoko yelped surprised. "In the flesh," she said with a teasing smirk, "morning Aoko-san!" At this Kaito's head perked up and he caught Arisa's gaze. She smiled at him and walked right up to his desk and sat on it turning to face the magician. "Morning Mr.magician," she chirped. "Don't Mr.magician me," Kaito huffed as he stood from his seat, "not after you left for a whole week while you had just crashed into a hijacked bus. You scared the crap out of me. I thought you had died on the train and it was any fault cause I didn't stop you from leaving in time!" "I'm sorry," Arisa apologized sincerely, "I just got busy with work, helping the queen of England, and helping the President of the United States. But don't worry I'm all good now! It's sweet that you were so worried." Kaito's face turned a little red, "I-I was not!" "Sure you weren't," she chuckled, hopping off his desk. She then noticed Hakuba beside Aoko. "And who's this Aoko-chan?" Arisa asked as she smiled at Hakuba. "This is Hakuba Saguru," Aoko introduced, "he is a high school detective from England." "I've read about you in the papers when I was in London," Arisa said in realization, "it's nice to finally meet you." "Likewise," Hakuba said with a smile of his own as he shook Arisa's hand. Kaito glared daggers at Hakuba and there was a puff of smoke. When the smoke cleared Hakuba's hair was a vibrant pink and Arisa was holding a midnight blue rose. As Arisa admired the flower, Aoko raised a mop over her head and swung it down at Kaito. Said magician jumped away and ran from his childhood friends wrath, as Hakuba sunk down into his seat with a sigh. Arisa set her rose down on her desk and said, "don't worry Hakuba-san, I think the pink is a very nice color on you. Thought I do prefer your natural hair color better." Hakuba smiled at the girl and said, "thank you Doyle-san." "Arisa is fine," Arisa told him as she sat down in her seat in front of him. "Then you can just call me Saguru," Hakuba replied. Just then the teacher came in and the rest of the class took their seats, including a furious Aoko and a slightly jealous Kaito. As lessons began Arisa gazed at her rose one last time before pulling out her math book.

~time skip to lunch~

It was half way through the the lunch break and Arisa had fallen asleep immediately after the teacher left the class. "Should we wake her up?" Aoko asked her friend Keiko, "she hasn't eaten anything yet." "Maybe," Keiko said. But before the girls could discuss it any further Arisa bolted up her eyes wide. She wrapped her arms around herself and took short sharp breaths. Aoko jumped from her seat and ran over to her new friend. Kaito and Hakuba followed suit. "Are you okay Arisa-chan?" Aoko asked worried. "I-I'm f-fine," Arisa said softly, giving Aoko a small smile, "I need to go to the bathroom, excuse me." Before her three friends could protest Arisa jumped from her seat and hurried out of the classroom with her school bag. Once she had arrived in the bathroom, Arisa made sure no one was in it and locked the door. She pulled out her phone and called Haru's school. "Good afternoon, Edoka elementary school, Mrs.Amano speaking, how may I help you?" Can the voice of the secretary on the other end of the call. "Yes good afternoon," Arisa greeted back politely, "this is Doyle Arisa, Doyle Haru's older sister. Could you please call Haru down to the office, I need to speak to him. It is urgent." "Of course Miss.Doyle," the secretary replied, "I am going to place you on hold while I call Haru down." "Thank you," Arisa managed to squeeze in before she was put on hold. While she waited, Arisa dug through her bag once more and pulled out a silver pill container with a password protected lock on it. She set the container down on the bathroom counter as her younger brothers voice came from the other end of the call. "Onee-san?" Haru inquired, "what's the matter?" "It happened again," Arisa replied, a slight tremble in her voice, "I need the password." "Okay," Haru said, "but first take some deep breaths you might end up having a panic attack." Arisa complied to her younger brothers order and took a few deep breathes, calming her fast beating heart significantly. "Okay," she said, "now the password please." "Right," Haru replied, "this week it's Lupin with a capital L. But don't take more than 5 pills okay. And promise me you will see Dr.Yukino tomorrow." "Fine I promise," Arisa agreed grudgingly. "One last thing," Haru said quickly, "when was the last time you slept, for how long, when was the last time you ate, and how much?" Arisa sighed but answered anyways, "3 days ago, in between 4-5 hours, 4 days ago a cup of instant ramen and a small bar of dark chocolate." "Onee-san!!!" Haru yelled through the phone, earning a look from the secretary and a cringe from Arisa, "I swear, your going to end up dying from lack of sleep or lack of nourishment if not from 'you know what' being destroyed." "I can't die from those things as long as I do have 'you know what'," Arisa said back, "and how many times do I have to remind you that we only talk about 'you know what' in private." "Your right," Haru sighed, "sorry." "It's fine," Arisa said, "see you later." "Bye," Haru said as Arisa hung up. Slipping her phone in her pocket, Arisa pulled a bottle of water out of her bag and ten typed in the password of the pill container. She grabbed two caffeine pills, two pain killers, and one Xanax pill. Swallowing them all with one big gulp of water. She put everything back in her bag, unlocked the bathroom door, and headed back to class. When she entered the classroom Aoko, Kaito, and Hakuba walked up to her. "Are you alright?" Aoko asked her worried. "I'm fine," Arisa responded, a fake smile gracing her lips. One so good that Kaito almost thought it was real. Almost. Before Kaito could ask her if she really was alright, the bell rang. "Ah," Arisa said, "class is about to start." "But Arisa-chan," Aoko said, "you didn't get to eat lunch." "Your right," Arisa said, "but even if I did have time to eat, I forgot my lunch. It's hard getting in the habit of having lunch at school." Arisa realized what she had said a little too late as Hakuba asked, "what do you mean by that? Do you not normally eat lunch?" "No, no," Arisa waved it off, "I just haven't been to school that long so I'm not in the habit of bringing a lunch. When I was working my younger brother used to always bring it to me." Before the conversation could go on any longer the teacher came in and the four teens quickly took their seats. Kaito and Hakuba kept stealing glances at Arisa during the lessons. Each boy caught the other staring and made a silent agreement to question her after school.

~small time skip to after class~

Arisa was packing up her bag when Hakuba and Kaito approached her. "What's up?" Arisa asked with a smile, "and where's Aoko?" "She left right after class because she is heading to the station to bring her dad some food and a change of clothes," Kaito explained, "but that's not what we wanted to talk about." "Then what do you want to talk about?" Arisa inquired confused as she gestured for them to walk and talk. "Arisa-san," Hakuba said seriously as they walked out of class and down the halls, "what happened with you at lunch? And no lies." Arisa glanced at her two classmates as they exited the school. With a deep sigh Arisa said, "well it's not like you two won't find out. If you really wanted to you both probably could find the information. I fell asleep during lunch because I have insomnia and I haven't slept for about 4, maybe 5 days. I think I lost count." "Why haven't you slept for 5 days?!" Kaito asked shocked. "It could be 4!" Arisa protested, "and that's because ever time I sleep I have terrible nightmares. I have a nightmare disorder." "Have anything else we should be aware of?" Hakuba asked. "Yeah," Arisa said, "I also have a restrictive food intake disorder, I get migraines and Aura, and my doctor says I over work myself a lot." The two boys stared at her shocked. "I know what your thinking," Arisa laughed, "how have I not died yet. I'm not so sure myself." Kaito hit her on the head lightly as he yelled, "Baka! Take care of yourself better!" "Heh heh," She laughed nervously. "We're serious Arisa-san," Hakuba said seriously. "You guys our just like my younger brother," Arisa sighed, "which reminds me that I have to go pick him up. So I'll see you two tomorrow!" Before either not could protest, Arisa ran off towards the train station. "Honestly," Hakuba sighed, "Arisa-san needs to start taking care of herself or she really might die." "Don't joke about that," Kaito said. "It's not a joke," Hakuba said seriously, "she could easily get sick the way she takes care of her body so poorly. And that sickness might be enough to to actually kill her. We need to start watching her closely." Kaito nodded his head, before saying goodbye to Hakuba and heading home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2017 ⏰

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