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Is this a surprise for you all?? ;)



[32 Days In]

Lewis watched helplessly as the rocks fell, blocking his friends on the other side from the terrors over on this side. The metal bar that had embedded itself into his abdomen still stuck out, causing pain to ripple over the former Youtuber's body.

The remaining men in white suits walked over to him, looking down at him with slight pity. One kicked his leg lightly, but it still sent pain through Lewis' body.

"What do we do with him?" The man who kicked his leg said.

"What we do best," The other said. He turned to the others. "Come help us with this!"

A few men walked over and stood over Lewis. They grabbed his arms and legs.

"Don't worry," One man said quietly. "You'll be out of this misery soon."

Then they began to pull. Extreme pain flew through Lewis' body, and his screams echoed off the walls. He felt the metal bar move through his stomach, then he felt himself come off of the bar.

But then he blacked out from too much pain.


When Lewis opened his eyes, he did not expect to have a knife hovering just above his left shoulder.

"Hey!" Lewis said, sitting up. He stopped when he felt pain in his abdomen, then layed back down.

The men around him stopped what they were doing.

"He's awake?!" One man said.

"I thought we gave him sedatives!" Another said.

"I'm not sure. But I'll go get some more." The man holding the knife said. He stuck the knife into the table, and walked into another room.

"You," One man said, pointing to another man. "Stay here. Keep an eye on him. We can't risk loosing any more people."

The other man nodded as the rest left the room.

Lewis realized he wasn't strapped to the table, but he didn't feel like moving anyways. The men hadn't done anything about the wound on his stomach, but it has scabbed over. He didn't want to move, risking the chance of the wound opening up and dying of blood loss.

Shaking the thought of death out of his head, Lewis looked around, trying to find a way out. He looked at the knife on the table, then at the other man, who was currently looking around the room blankly.

In one swift movement, Lewis grabbed the knife and swung at the man. The other didn't even have time to react, before he lay dead on the floor.

After this was done, Lewis dropped the knife, and the pain from the sudden movements came all at once. He grabbed onto the table while putting a hand on his abdomen. Black splotches entered his vision, and he thought he was going to pass out again.

After a few minutes, though, his vision cleared and the pain returned to just an ache. He stood up slowly, looking at the door where the men entered looking for sedatives. Lewis had no idea how long they're going to be gone.

He looked around the room, his eyes landing on a grate behind a wall of metal bars. He got a little closer, but blocked that out as non-exit because of the screws. Then he saw a screwdriver on a table near the wall. 

Looking at the door again, Lewis slowly walked to the table, one hand on his wound. He managed to get over to the table, and grabbed the screwdriver. Then he made his way to the grate.

He kneeled down next to the grate, then started to take the screws out of the grate. It just occurred to him that the screwdriver had blood on the end. Lewis shook his head in disgust.

Just as he got the last screw out and the grate opened, he heard the door start to move. His head snapped up to the door, where it was being held just a crack. The person who was holding the door open hadn't seen the dead man on the floor, and appeared to be talking to someone on the other side.

Lewis acted quickly and crawled into the grate. He put the grate on quietly as possible, hoping they won't notice immediately where he'd gone.

Lewis crawled through the grate. After a few minutes, he felt something warm on his hand, and lifted it up. Blood covered his hand. He looked down, and sees that his wound opened back up, and was bleeding. His shirt was soaked.

He placed a hand over the wound, and continued through. Once he got out of here, he could try to make a bandage on it or something, but right now he had to escape.

As he crawled, he would see the hallways through vents all around the base. The lights would be red, and a siren would be going off.

Eventually, Lewis saw the exit through another vent. A few men ran past, holding weapons.

Once no one was in that hallway, Lewis opened the vent and hopped out. He fell from the fall to the floor, but got up quickly, ignoring the pain. 

He grabbed onto the ladder and quickly climbed out. He heard people behind him, and ran for cover. He hid behind a tree and sat down.

Lewis heard the men climb out and look around. They must've gave up on finding him, because they went back down into the base after a few minutes. 

Lewis relaxed and sat there. He suddenly felt weak and tired. He looked down, seeing that the grass below him is stained red. His hand is covered in blood, and the whole front of his shirt is drenched. 

The former Youtuber looked around for something to cover it. He wasn't giving up. No, he's still alive and his friends are out there. 

And he will find them, even if it kills him.  

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