Together Again

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Okay, so I asked for ideas for an ending. I loved this idea from randamogirl, so I'm going with it. Also, go follow her if you haven't!!!



[400 Days In]

A man with long-ish blonde hair and crystal blue eyes walked down a path. His shirt and jeans were tattered, and looked long out of use. The backpack he carried looked full of goods.

He stopped and looked up towards the sky, a hand covering his eyes. Smoke was seen at a distance, maybe from a campfire. The man raised a walkie-talkie to his mouth.

"I see a campfire. Should I see if anyone's there?" The man asked, holding a Swedish accent.

"You should at least check it out. Maybe there'll be loot, or more survivors." A man answered through the phone.

"Okay, I'll go check it out." The other man answered. He walked towards a car, then drove off towards the smoke.


About a half hour later, the car pulled up a distance away from the campfire. The man got out and looked at the campfire. He saw about six people around it, with a few tents and tables. Something about those people were familiar to the man.

The man walked up to the group, and waved his hand.

"Hey, I'm not-" He paused when he saw the faces of the group. The group looked up at the sound, and their own eyes widened.

"Are you," Began Lewis. "Pewdiepie? I mean, Felix?"

The man nodded. "I can't believe it. The Yogscast. I never thought I'd see anyone I knew ever again." Felix looked around the group. "Where's everyone else?"

The Yogscast members looked at eachother.

"It's been over a year, Felix," Hannah said. "A lot of our friends are dead." Lewis held her hand.

"So," Felix started. "You're all that's left?"

"Yeah," Chris said. "I guess so."

"Why're you here, anyway?" Joakim asked.

"Well, Marzia and I found a small community up the road. We've been staying there for a few months, and it seems safe. There's beds, showers, power, clothes...... It's the safest we've been the past year. They sent me out here to look for survivors." Felix paused. "Would you like to come with me?"

The Yogscast members looked at eachother.

"It sounds safe." Zoey said.

"And we can trust him." Liam said. 

"So," Lewis said. "That's a yes?"

"I guess so." Hannah agreed.

Felix smiled. "I promise you won't be disappointed."

"Just give us a minute to pack up our stuff." Chris said, then paused. "Whatever we have left."

Felix waited, a bit awkwardly, for the Yogscast members to pack up. After a few minutes, the six stood in front of the gamer, backpacks on, but looking a bit empty.

"If your hungry," Felix said, realizing that the others looked a bit tired. "I've got some food here." He took the backpack off and opened it. After some rummaging around, he brought up granola bars, just enough for everyone. 

The Yogscast members took them cautiously at first, but dug in when they realized it was real. Felix smiled.

"Don't worry, there's more where that came from back at the community." Felix said. He held up the walkie-talkie. "I found some survivors."

"Hi Felix!" A female Italian voice said.

Felix smiled wider. "Hey, Marzia. Guess who I came across?"

"Who?" Marzia said.

"The Yogscast. Can you believe it?" Felix said.

"Oh! Tell them I said 'hi'!" Marzia said excitably.

"They already know." Felix said. He nodded towards the members.

"Hello, Marzia." Joakim said a bit awkwardly.

"Hello!" Marzia said. "Who was that?"

Felix chuckled. "We'll do introductions when we get back to the community. Tell them I'm heading back with about six people." Felix said.

"Okay!" Marzia said.

"Let's get to the car." Felix said, putting the walkie-talkie away.

The group, smiling, walked with the former Youtuber towards an old looking car. He let everyone in the car first, saving the driver seat for himself. As he got in, his sleeve rolled up just a bit. The disgusting colors of green and red and black seemed to be crawling up his arm like branches on a tree. The rest of his skin looked a bit paler than the Yogscast members', but no one seemed to notice. Farther up his arm, was a wound that resembled teeth marks.

Before anyone could notice, Felix let his arm fall down to the his side, started the car, and drove away.


The Walking Yogscast: 400 DaysWhere stories live. Discover now