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[4 Days In]

Chris, better known as Sips, sat down in his seat after he put his luggage away. The engines started, and the plane lifted into the sky, towards it's destination: Bristol.

Chris decided to visit Yogtowers, along with Liam(better known as Nilesy). The Scotsman was expected to be there before him.

Chris looked down at his phone. He tweeted that he was coming over to Yogtowers, hoping to pass the time. Then he looked out the window and waited the long journey.


Chris opened his eyes and yawned. The sun was lower than it was a few hours earlier. Must've fell asleep. Chris thought.

The door at the end of the hall opened up, and a woman walked out in a uniform with a cart full of snacks. Her blonde hair was tied back in a pony tail, and her green eyes surveyed the crowd of people before her. Although she was quite pretty, she looked sickly. Her skin was pale, and sweat lined her forehead. The smile on her face looked forced.

As she walked towards where Chris was sitting, her sleeve pushed up, revealing gauze that was wrapped around her wrist.

"Would you like any refreshments?" She asked Chris in a cheery, but strained, voice.

"Are you okay?" Chris asked. He pointed to the gauze. "What happened?"

The girl smiled, a drop a sweat dripping down her high-defined cheekbones. "I'm okay, Mister. It's just that a drunk-y attacked me this morning. There's no need to worry."

Chris nodded, but was pretty sure that she wasn't okay. The woman gestured to the cart.


"No, thank you."

She smiled and continued down the line of people. After she served to everyone, she turned around and went back through the door where she came.

Chris shook his head, hoped the girl would feel better, and looked out the window.


A few hours later, the plane was finally flying over England. The designated airport would not be seen for atleast a couple more hours, but atleast they were over land.

"Attention, ladies and gentlemen," A voice came through the speakers. There was a growling noise in the background. "We're having some medical difficulties with our staff, so please put your seatbelts on as we land to the nearest airport. We will be back up and flying in no time!" A small clicking noise, and the voice stopped talking. Many groans were heard around the airport, Chris' included. But, they strapped on their seatbelts as the plane dipped, and landed in the nearest airport. The one they were supposed to land in was closer to Bristol, atleast a forty-five minute ride. In car, that would be about twice as long, depending on how fast you drove.

It was silent in the plane, most people on their phones, the rest without devices left to either be lost in thought or sleeping.

A scream pierced the air, similar to the voice in the speaker, making everyone jump in their seats. All eyes were on the front of the plane, the scream being cut off. A murmur rose through the crowd of people. Chris held his phone so tight, his knuckles turned white. Just as he looked down, ready to undo his seatbelt, there was a banging on the door.

The murmurs were cut off, the eyes returning to the front. The door moved as whatever was on the other side, banged into it. After about a sixth hit, the door flew open, revealing the thing on the other side.

It was the woman, only she didn't look the same as when she was last seen. Her skin was still pale, but there were splotches of a deep green. She walked like a puppet on strings; her movements were floppy, like she couldn't control her own body parts. Her eyes were rolled back in her head, only showing a bloodshot white. Blood coated the outside of her mouth.

Immediately, everyone either screamed, or ran for their lives. The woman grabbed on to the nearest person, and sunk her teeth into his shoulder. He screamed, another girl pulling him away from the crazed woman. He managed to get away, the girl right at his side, and they ran to the door. But there was one problem; the door wasn't opened. It had to be opened by a lever or button. 

As the woman continued her hunt for a meal, the speakers came on again. The voice was shaky and weak, like the person was on the verge of death. But who knows? Maybe he was.

"E-everyone.... get out. You m-may think I'm crazy, but....... you have to get out. She's coming. G-go." The click went off again, and the doors opened. Everyone piled out, screaming and trampling one another.

Chris reached over and clicked the button to release his seatbelt. It didn't work. He pushed the button again. Still, the seatbelt didn't come undone. He began to panic. The woman was making her way over to where Chris sat, a string of drool dripping on to her already blood-stained uniform.

Chris hit the button again and again, but to no avail. Just as the woman was about to swing a hit at him, the seatbelt released him, and the Canadian took off. He jumped out the door, not caring about his luggage, and ran through the parking lot. Ideas and questions entered his head.

Where should I go?

Police station.

But what if they can't help?

She looked an awful lot like the zombies in Dead Island.

Zombies don't exist! How could they?

I'm pretty sure this isn't just a prank.

What do I do? Bristol is over an hour drive, imagine the time it would take to walk there!

Maybe I could-

His thoughts were interrupted by a tug on his sleeve. Chris looked down, seeing a little boy around the age of 13-15. He had straight black hair going down to the tops of his ears, glasses, and a tan. His clothes looked messy, and his hazel eyes were wide with concerned.

"Who are you?" Chris asked.

"I'm Connor," The boy said. "Follow me if you want to live." Then he ran. Chris stood there, dumbfounded, until he came to his senses and followed the boy.  


That was the first story! Sorry if it's inaccurate, I've never been on a plane before. :/ But, does anyone remember Connor? Maybe you will, maybe you won't, he was mentioned in the other story briefly. ;)   

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