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[84 Days In]

Hannah walked in the roads of a small town. The roads were partially clean, but pieces of paper hugged the sides of nearby buildings. The headlines said things like 'The End in Near' and 'Is this the End of the World Upon Us?'.

In her hand was a baseball bat, looking worn and coated with blood. Her clothes were dirty and had holes. Her blonde hair was messed up and didn't look very blonde anymore. Her face was dirty, and she didn't have a happy look on her face.

Even though it was a month ago, Hannah's still mourning the loss of her friends. She saw a few of them die right before her eyes. She was left alone one night at a cabin, when the only friends she had left left her. Ever since then, Hannah's been on her own. She met no one, and trusted no one.

Hannah managed to escape the zombies outside the cabin, and ran until she came upon this small town. She sheltered in a nearby building, which seemed to be previously used. There was a pair of glasses there, but Hannah pushed away the thoughts of a certain pool boy who could've worn them. She ended up throwing them out a window just to try and forget.

Hannah made a daily routine for herself through out the weeks. Wake up, get something small to eat, check outside, patrol the town for zombies(that's like a morbid version of taking a walk, huh?), loot any building that you haven't checked, get something small eat, patrol the town again(since there's not really much else to do), and then have another small thing to eat, and then sleep.

Hannah sort of dazed off today during the patrols. It just gets boring, and she's restorted to talking to herself. A month is a lot of time, and seems like eternity when there's no one to talk to. So, she just pretends like she's making a video, and is talking to the camera. It's not exactly the same, but it's close enough.

Another worry has come, too. It wasn't summer anymore, that's for sure. The wind had a cold chill to them, and the leaves began to change color. Autumn was coming, and winter was on it's tail. Hannah had warmer clothing, but the room she was staying in didn't have power, so she needed to think of a solution for warmth before the snow started to fall.

Hannah also came up with some rules while here. What else is there to do?

Rule #1: Only take small food when hungry.

Rule #2: Always have a weapon.

Rule #3: If you run into anybody, act threatening, and question them.

Rule three hasn't been needed yet, Hannah still kept it just incase. She would make more rules, but she can only remember the three right now. Note to self, get paper and pens....

Hannah walked for a little while more, before deciding to head back to her small home. A biting cold wind blew, making the blonde turn her head a little to the left. Then she saw something out of the corner of her eye.

There was a figure, but before she could make out details, it went behind a building.

Hannah stretched her fingers on the bat as she walked over to the building slowly. She peeked her head around the corner, then jumped out and pointed the bat down the allyway. She just saw the figure at the end of the allyway disappear around a corner.

Giving a frustrated sigh, Hannah ran down the allyway after the figure, as quietly as she could.

She turned the corner and the saw figure casually walking down the sidewalk. It turned it's head to side often, like it was surveying the place. It had a hat on, covering it's face, making it hard to tell if it's a boy or girl. It had on warm clothing and scarf.

Hannah took another step towards the figure, but stepped on a puddle and slipped. She let out a screech of surprise, getting the figures attention. Hannah fell, hitting her head on the brick wall behind her. Pain erupted in her skull, and her vision went slightly blurry.

A few moments later, a head popped into her view. Possibly the figure's. It was hard to make out it's features, although....... it seems familiar.....

"Are you okay?" Said the figure in a man's voice.

Hannah blinked a few times. That voice. It sounded so familiar. Then it hit her. The figure seemed to know, too.


That was the last thing she heard before she blacked out.

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