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10 years later

Hikari's life wish was to be a mother and watch her son or daughter grow to be a lovely lively person. But she didn't want it to be any one other's kid than hers and her husband's, which led to a slight problem. Her husband wasn't entirely human. In fact, he wasn't human at all. Matthew wished that there was something he could do to help her live her dream. He also wanted to experience watching something he had created live a life that he could make wonderful.

"I wish to be able to give Hikari what she wants." Matthew whispered one evening, while waiting for Hikari to come home from work.

"You voice your wishes out loud, and I will hear them." A voice whispered back from the shadows.

"Daniel?" Matthew said, looking up from the dull coloured carpet of the bedroom.

"It's been a long time my friend." Daniel's voice returned as sure as before.

"Can you seriously make that happen?" Matthew asked.

"Yes, but it would require you to return to us for a while." Daniel replied.

"That shouldn't be a problem." Matthew returned.

"Are you ready?" Daniel said.

"How long would I be gone for?" Matthew said, but there was no time for Daniel to reply, because the stone on the bedside table started to glow and Matthew was taken back up to the ship.

"What will Hikari think about my absence?" Matthew asked Leinad as he approached him.

"Don't worry, she's coming too." Leinad said, and a few minutes later, Hikari was standing next to him. They weren't as scared of the Ekul as they were the last time. This time around they were three of them, one light green Ekul, one yellow Ekul and of course the unmistakable blue-skinned Leinad.

"Matthew? What's going on?" Hikari asked, unsure.

"I'm making your wish come true." Matthew whispered.

"Are we ready? Good, then let us begin. First Matthew, I need to take your DNA samples and although we do have them stored here I thought it would be more accurate to take some now instead of using the old ones, just in case, you know?"


"Follow me." The green one said, who revealed his name to be Xilef. Matthew and Xilef walked through a door.

"And Hikari, however awkward this may sound, we need to extract some eggs from your internal system." Leinad said.

"Come with me." The yellow one said; whose name appeared to be Ytirev. Hikari was glad that Ytirev was a female.


"Your creation is now ready." Leinad said, coming back to them in the waiting room with a small test tube.

"Really?" Matthew said.

"Really. Now you have two choices, well three. You can either leave it with us and we will bring it down to you in 9 months' time ready for the outside world. Or, alternatively, we can insert this into your womby-thing and you can do it yourself. If you don't like any of those then the only option left is to take it down to Earth and keep it in one of our specialised incubators for 9 months. What would you like?" Leinad was asking both of them but Matthew just turned to look at Hikari so the spotlight was shining on her. She didn't like the idea of having aliens probe her again to put the fertilised egg inside her but any other option felt unnatural.

"I'll take it." Hikari said. And everybody knew what she meant. Ytirev smiled and Xilef clapped his hands together.

"Brave move." Leinad said, and Ytirev took her away once more.

So that was how Matthew and Hikari had a child. 9 months later a daughter appeared and the parents were overjoyed with their addition to the family.

Her name was Lyra Tsubasa Dawson.


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