Chapter 8

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{Character in picture: Lauren Collins as Harper Foster}

{Song in video: Lana Del Rey - Young And Beautiful}

On the following Monday morning, I went into work and sat at my desk, taking phone calls, and filing papers.

An hour later, I saw Jesenia walk into the office.

"Hey, Stace," Jesenia said and grinned at me.

"Hey, Jesenia," I said, trying to force a smile. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I'm here to see Vince. I'll see you later." She went into Mr. Havens' office.

I frowned and, out of frustration, I typed louder than usual on my computer.

"Is everything okay, Stacey?" Dante asked, looking unsure.

"Yeah, everything's fine," I replied. I paused for a moment and then got up from my chair and leaned against Mr. Havens' door so I could listen to what him and Jesenia were saying.

"I'll take you out to dinner," I heard Mr. Havens say to Jesenia.

"Okay, that sounds good!" I heard Jesenia exclaim.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed to myself.

"I'll pick you up around six, and we will go to Le Bernardin."

My mouth dropped open. Le Bernardin was an expensive French seafood restaurant.

I heard footsteps walking to the door and I quickly ran back to my desk.

Dante looked confused. "What on Earth are you up to now?" he asked.

"," I said, looking flustered.

"Sure." He gave me an amused look and then turned away.

Jesenia walked out of the office and went back to me. "Hey, I'll see you around," she grinned. "I have to go though, I have a photoshoot in a few hours. Bye!" She blew kisses.

"Hey, nice seeing you," I said, rather flatly. "Have fun with your photoshoot!" I blew kisses back.

During lunchbreak, I decided to go to Chipotle and get a burrito with nachos. Who cares, I'm going to eat all this food, Jesenia has Mr. Havens anyways. I angrily took a big bite out of my burrito.

"Stacey?" Dave said as he went up to me. "We keep bumping into each other." He smiled.

"Oh...hey Dave," I said, after swallowing my food. "Yeah, we do I guess." I smiled back.

"Mind if I sit down with you?" He scratched his head nervously.

"No not at all. Please sit." I motioned him to sit across from me.

He sat down and we ate our food together. "So...uh...I had a nice time at the party with you..." He sounded nervous.

"Yeah, I did too." I grinned.

" was wondering if I could take you out to dinner tonight..." He paused for a moment. "...And you can choose the restaurant. It can be any kind and any type. I don't care if it's expensive or not."

Well technically he didn't say it was a date, plus I get to choose the restaurant and since it will be tonight, then I can say Le Bernardin since that's where Jesenia and Mr. Havens are going to tonight. Perfect, now I'll be able to spy on them! "That sounds nice Dave. I would like to," I said and smiled. "The restaurant I choose is...Le Bernardin."

Dave's eyes widened as he raised an eyebrow. "That sounds great!" he exclaimed and smiled. "I'm surprised you want to go there. I thought you would choose a pizza place or something like that but yeah that'll be awesome. I'll pick you up around 6 and then we'll go there."

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