Chapter 36

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{Song in video: XYLO - I Still Wait For You}

It was the day of the party that I still had no idea whose it was because Chelsea wouldn't tell me, which was unusual since she always told me who the host was.

"If you're not going to tell me who's throwing the party, then can you please tell me how to dress?" I told Chelsea as I rummaged through my closet.

"Definitely wear a semi-formal dress," Chelsea replied from the hallway. "Like most of your dresses."

"Alright." I nodded. I picked out a long light pink dress with matching light pink heels, and put those on, along with a few gold necklaces, black mascara, light pink eyeshadow, and light pink lipstick.

When I walked out, Chelsea grinned. "You look great."

"Thanks." I grinned back, jokingly doing a twirl. Then, I stopped, looking in the mirror. "Should I wear my hair up or down?"

"You can do either way." She shrugged.

I decided to leave my hair down, but slightly curled it. "Let me know when you're ready."

"I already am." She smiled, holding her purse.

I raised an eyebrow in surprise. "That's the first time you're early to a party."

"Yeah, I know. I just wanted to be more prepared." She shrugged. "Now, let's go."

I gave her a more suspicious look, grabbing my purse. "Okay." She probably met a guy.

We went out of the apartment, then rode in a taxi. Chelsea was texting the whole ride, looking excited.

"Is that a guy?" I asked, giving her a sly smile.

She gave me a look, grinning. "Sort of," she replied.

When we arrived, we went through the same security guy that was there when Vince's party was held. When we gave him our names, he let us through, even though he gave us a suspicious look.

I saw other people in semi-formal attire, although most were dressed formally.

As we walked through the main room, I saw Jesenia and Dave at a distance greeting people, then we made eye contact.

"No, I can't be at this party," I said to Chelsea, turning around, but then both Jesenia and Dave got to us before I could walk a few steps away.

"Stacey, I'm really sorry, but please listen to me," Jesenia pleaded. "I promise that you will have a great time, just hear us out."

I sighed. "Okay, what do you all need to tell me?"

"First, I'm really sorry about Dave and I. We shouldn't have kept that from you. I was going to tell you eventually, but didn't want to make you more upset at the time." She sighed. "Second, I invited you here because I know who sent those texts, and they will be telling you and Vince tonight."

My eyes widened. "Who sent the texts?"

"I can't tell you yet since they want to tell both you and Vince at the same time. They promised me they will come forward with it."

"Okay." I nodded, trying to take all this information in.

"I can't promise miracles with you and Vince, but at the very least it should put you guys on good terms with each other."

"Of course." I nodded.

"This is the reason I'm throwing this party in the first place. I really want to make it up to you." She smiled.

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