Chapter 17

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{Song in video: Bishop Briggs - River}

I got to work, and sat down at my desk. The first thing I did was check my work email. I noticed Mr. Havens had sent me one, so I clicked on it. It was an invitation to a business meeting this evening over dinner.

I smiled, sending an email back saying that I would be going.

"Dante, guess what?" I said gleefully.

"What is it, Stacey?" Dante said, not bothering to look up from his computer.

"I've been invited to a business meeting over dinner!" I grinned.

"I have too, but I won't be able to go." He glanced at me.

"Oh okay."

Just then, Mr. Havens came out of his office. "Good morning, Anastasia and Dante," he greeted, having a smile on his face.

"Good morning, sir," Dante greeted back.

"Good morning, Mr. Havens," I greeted cheerfully.

Dante quickly went back to work, but Mr. Havens and I kept looking at each other. "I'll see you at dinner later this evening, Anastasia." He broke the slightly awkward silence.

"Oh okay, I'll see you then." I grinned as he nodded, and walked away.

"Boss man seems happier than usual lately," Dante remarked.

"He does, doesn't he?" I said. "I wonder why."

He shrugged. "Well, it's good, whatever it is."

"Yeah." I nodded my head in agreement.

We went back to our work.

Later on, I went home, and got ready for the business meeting dinner. I looked up the place we were going to, and it was a Spanish restaurant. It wasn't super fancy, but it wasn't casual either.

It was still a bit chilly outside, but not snowing or really cold, so I decided to wear a dress that was more on the casual side, a scarf, and a sweater.

I went outside, and hailed a taxi. I went in the taxi, and got to the restaurant a few minutes later.

I walked inside, and noticed Mr. Havens talking on the phone as he was waiting for the table.

I waited until he was done with the phone call, and then greeted, "Hey, Mr. Havens." I smiled.

"Hey, Anastasia," Mr. Havens said. "Well, apparently, the business meeting over dinner isn't happening today since hardly anyone could make it."

"Aw, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'm just wondering, since we're already here, did you still want to have dinner?"

My eyes widened in surprise. "Yes, that would be great." I grinned.

"Okay, good." He smiled.

I'm going to have dinner with Mr. Havens.

Mr. Havens went over to the waitress. "It looks like we don't need a table of five after all. It will be only the two of us," he said.

"Oh okay. Well, we have a table for two available over here," the waitress said, pointing at a table across the room.

"That's great."

"Follow me then."

We followed the waitress to our table.

"Anything you two would like to drink?" The waitress asked us.

"Are you ready to order?" Mr. Havens asked me.

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