Chapter 35

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{Song in video: DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You}

I walked into the break room at work, and noticed Chelsea on the phone, grinning. "Then we'll definitely be there!" Chelsea exclaimed happily into the phone. When she noticed me, she quickly muttered, "Hey, sorry, I'll talk to you later." Then hung up the phone.

I gave her a curious look with a smile. "Who was that?" I asked.

"No one important," Chelsea replied, shrugging. "Anyways, are you on break now?"

"Yeah, I just got some food." I nodded, bringing food in from our bar.

"I'm about to go back to work, but I'll catch up with you then." She smiled, walking out of the break room.

Right when Chelsea opened the door to go out, Jeff barged in, almost making her fall over. "Sorry about that," he apologized. "Creepy Connie is out there, so I came in here to take my break."

"It's fine. You scared the hell out of me for a few seconds, but it's all good." She laughed, then went back into the bar area.

"So what's Connie doing now?" I asked Jeff, laughing.

He sighed, scratching his head. "She keeps trying to have a conversation with me while I'm working. She asked where you were, by the way."

My eyes widened, and my mouth dropped open. "What did you say?"

"I told her that you weren't working right now."

"Do you think she'll still be out there by the time I'm finished with break?"

"Probably..." He sighed, taking a bite out of his sandwich. "Technically, you aren't working when you're on break, so therefore, I told the truth."

I burst out laughing. "That sort of makes sense."

He gave me a confused look, and started laughing. "Well, that wasn't the response I was expecting."

"I also didn't expect to go clubbing, getting drunk, and making out with you a few weeks ago." My face flushed as soon I blabbed that out without thinking. "Sorry, that was stupid of me to bring up."

To my surprise, he chuckled. "It's okay. I didn't expect to do that either."

"And I'm sure you didn't expect Connie to keep showing up everyday."

"No, I didn't at the time. Now, it's just part of the routine, I guess." He shrugged, drinking some of his beer.

"Oooh, you're drinking on the job." I teased.

"I'm a bit more relaxed than some other managers. Do you want me to order some for you?"

I shook my head. "No, thanks. I have my food and drink right here."

"Alright. If there aren't any other managers around, and if you want to drink some alcohol, just let me know."

"I'll keep that in mind."

All of a sudden, we heard a bunch of noise from the bar area. Then, Chelsea burst into the break room. "There are two drunk guys fighting," she said.

"Not again," Jeff muttered to himself. He turned to us. "I'll go out there, and handle it."

"Have fun." I laughed.

"I'll try." He quickly went out of the room.

I ate the rest of my dinner, then went back to the bar area. I noticed a few security guards that took the two drunk guys outside.

I went over to Jeff, with a puzzled look on my face. "So what exactly happened?" I asked him.

He rolled his eyes, sighing as he crossed his arms. "Two drunk guys got in a fight because one of them accidentally bumped into the other," he replied. "I almost got punched by one of them when I was trying to break up the fight, but I stopped his fist from hitting my face."

"Oh." I winced. "At least they're outside now."

"Yeah." He eyed the door, looking annoyed.

"Anyways, I'll get back to work." As I was walking back toward the bar, Connie stopped right in front of me, staring through my soul as usual.

"You're Anastasia Marks, the woman that cheated on the C.E.O. of Havens Enterprise, Vincent Havens," she said with no facial expression.

At this point, I didn't know whether to feel creeped out or annoyed, but I strangely felt both. "I didn't cheat on him," I said, rolling my eyes.

"That's not what this magazine says." She went into her purse, pulling out the magazine that Liz showed me.

"I already know about the magazine, and it is false information."

"You'll never have Jeff."

"I don't have Jeff. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to work." I quickly passed by her, then went behind the counter. What is this girl's deal?

In the meantime, I took different people's orders, got hit on by random men, and got stared down by Connie, who as usual, didn't order anything.

Towards the end of my shift, Jeff came up to me, saying, "Are you having fun?"

"Yeah, getting hit on by random drunk married men and stared down by Connie is fun," I said sarcastically.

"They just think you're beautiful, because you are." He smiled.

"I'm pretty sure Connie doesn't think that." I smiled back, blushing and laughing.

"You never know."

We talked and laughed a bit more until Chelsea came up to us with a smirk on her face, raising her eyebrows. "Anything interesting happening here?" She asked.

"Not really," I replied, grabbing my purse. "I'm ready to go when you are."

"So I'm not interesting?" Jeff joked, chuckling.

I shook my head. "Nope." I tried to keep a straight face, but ended up laughing.

"I thought so." He kept chuckling. "Well, I'm going to go over to count inventory."

"Okay, see you later." I waved at him, then Chelsea and I walked out of the bar.

"Stace, I have great news!" She exclaimed, grinning.

I looked over at her. "What is it?" I asked.

"I got us in at this awesome party. It'll be held at that same hotel that we snuck into at Vince's work party."

"I guess that sounds fun." I shrugged.

She raised her eyebrows. "You guess? It will be fun. You know us, we know how to make parties fun."

"Yeah, that's true." I laughed. "Alright, I'm in."

She grinned, hugging me. "Awesome! You'll love it, trust me."

"Okay, fine. I trust you." I laughed, then hailed down a taxi.

On our way home, Chelsea said, "So I noticed you and Jeff were flirting."

I gave her a look, rolling my eyes. "We weren't flirting," I said.

She gave me an unconvinced look. "Sure."

I sighed, knowing I couldn't change her opinion on that.

A few minutes later, we arrived to the apartment, then we ate a few peanut butter oat bars that I made earlier that day.


A/N: Stacey has another usual day at work with Chelsea and Jeff. Connie becomes a little stranger, Jeff had to break up a fight between two drunk guys, and Chelsea invites Stacey to an upcoming party :o

This is a filler chapter, by the way.




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