When Life Slaps You...

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Some days, life decides to slap you in the face over and over again. 

Today was one of those days. 

It started out normal and nice. It was a Saturday, so I woke up late and had a huge breakfast with bacon and everything. I got dressed in some hot clothes because my boyfriend of two years, John, was taking me out on a date somewhere. 

John picked me up at 1p.m., looking nervous about something. There was an awkward silence in the car until I asked, "So, where are we going?" 

That broke the awkwardness a little, but John still wouldn't tell me where we were heading. I was getting a bit excited thinking he was bringing me somewhere fancy or amazing. My bubble burst when we pulled up to an old, run-down gas station. It was deserted except for a lone girl sitting with her back against the building. When she saw John, a smile broke out over her face. 

What the hell is going on here? I thought. This was supposed to be a date. 

The lone girl sprinted over to us and kissed John right on the lips. That was life's first slap. John turned around, still holding the other girl, and said, "Lisa, I'd like you to meet my other girlfriend, Jane." 

That was the second slap. "Huh?" I asked. "Your other girlfriend?" 

John beamed at me like it was nothing bad. "Yes. In my culture, it's normal for a guy to have 2 or more girlfriends at all times. Jane's been raised like me, but I figured it would be hard for you to understand, so I brought you here." 

I felt rage bubble up inside me. "Are you trying to tell me that you've been cheating on me?" I asked slowly. 

He laughed. That jerk actually had the audacity to laugh in this situation. "Actually, if you look at it that way, I've been cheating on Jane. She was my girlfriend before you." 

Was that life's third slap? Fourth maybe? I didn't know, but what I did know is that John was now on my death list. If only I had a Death Note right now, I would write his name and make him die gruesomely. My burning rage took control of my body and I pulled back my fist to punch John in the face. 

My punch connected and I ran off, yelling back, "John, you jerk! That's not something a girl just accepts!" 

I ran and ran, but I had no idea where I was. John had picked a terrible spot to tell me. I mean, really, an abandoned gas station? Pitiful. When I finally slowed to a walk, I was even more lost than I had been when I started. 

I sighed and started to look for a bus stop. Eventually I would make it to a place I knew. As I walked, a black limo pulled up beside me. The front window rolled down, revealing an older looking driver. "The Master wants you to get in," he said sternly. 

Shock overwhelmed me and I stopped. Could this be life's fifth slap? "Hell no!" I exclaimed. "I'm not getting into some random car!" 

The driver sighed and made a hand signal. I looked around just as my mouth was covered with a cloth. Struggling, I managed to catch a glimpse of a big man behind me, holding both me and the cloth. I tried to scream, but his hand muffled any noise I tried to make. My last thought before I drifted into the blackness was: I think that counts as both the fifth and sixth slaps.

Waking up, I remembered nothing. Why was I in this huge room, in this king-size bed? Better yet, why was there an insanely attractive man sleeping beside me? I realized something else and thought of the best question of them all. 

Why the hell were we both naked? 

I nearly screamed, but then it hit me. I had been kidnapped. Seeing as I was butt naked in bed with a random guy, I could only assume that I was also molested. Life's seventh slap.  

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