The Way to a Woman's Heart is Through Her Dragon

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Pippy was always by my side, making her my one and only friend. Although, can you really be friends with your familiar? Technically familiars are just companions for people with unearthly abilities such as myself, but Pippy had been with me through the good and the bad, it didn't matter if it was on Earth or in a parallel universe.

My familiar, Pippy, is a miniature water dragon. Mini water dragons (and big ones, for that matter) are actually exceedingly rare, making it weird that one chose a half-breed such as myself to be its master. But, no one can argue with the familiars. They do what they want. 

I am a half witch, half demon, being. Meaning that I get witch traits from my mother and demon traits from my father. Apparently they were like 'soul mates' or something like that, but realistically my mother was my father's slave. I didn't want to become a slave like my mother, so I grabbed a familiar and escaped to the human world the day I turned 18. I'm now 21 and I haven't seen my mother in 4 years. I refuse to go back into the parallel universe that demons live in and she refuses to come out. 

In truth, I don't have anything against my father, except for one thing. Demons can't know love. It's a fact, although there is one exception to that rule. Each demon has a sort of 'soul mate' out there for them. When they find their soul mate he or she becomes the demons slave. But this little 'loophole' says nothing about children, bringing me to the conclusion that my father doesn't actually love me. He probably only had children because my mother wanted them. 

I was generally fine with that until one day my father comes out and says that they're marrying me off to some random demon. The demon lost his soul mate before he could fully bond with her and he's apparently very lonely now. 

Needless to say, I didn't give a shit about his 'loneliness' and flipped out on my father. That was the moment I decided to leave. I had no intention of living out my entire existence under my father's thumb. It's not like they would die before me. Both of them are immortal, so they would outlive me, a half-breed, by hundreds of years. 

Which brings me back to Pippy. Every witch, half breed or not, living on Earth had to have a familiar to guide and protect them through human life. And that is what Pippy did. She informed me that I needed to get a 'job' to get 'money' to pay for a place to live. She also kept me safe from other supernatural's, seeing as it's dangerous living as a half-breed, especially on the mortal plain. 

So that's how I ended up working in the local Wendy's on a hot summer night to pay for my cute little apartment in the downtown area. Even after 4 years in the human world I had no friends, but I didn't really mind. As long as I had Pippy I would be fine. Pippy always got bored while I was at work, so I let her go out and fly around the neighborhood. None of the humans could see her and all other creatures generally stayed away from powerful familiars. 

That summer night was different than most nights. Demons were lurking in the shadows, waiting for prey, and the prey they found was Pippy. 

When I first felt Pippy's fear I didn't know what it was. She had never been afraid before, but I realized what was going on seconds later when she sent me a telepathic message: 'Demons are hunting me. Powerful ones.' 

She probably said that so I would stay away, but I couldn't. Pippy was the reason my life on the human world had worked out so well; I couldn't just let her die! Sprinting out of Wendy's in the middle of making some hamburgers, I jumped into the sky and spread my wings. Despite the fact that I wasn't a full-blooded demon, I had inherited my father's wings. Within seconds I could see Pippy at the end of a long alleyway with three demons closing in on her. They were powerful. I would have been able to take one, but three would be an issue. I silently resigned myself to the fact that I was probably going to die and swooped down to land between Pippy and the demons. 

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