Those Wings

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I was having a bad - no, a TERRIBLE day. It started out normal enough. I got up, ate some cereal, and headed off to school. School was...well, normal. The popular kids sneered at me in the halls, I sat with the nerdy kids at lunch, and I only got shoved to the ground once or twice. All in all, the day was good. At 2:20, like always, I stepped out of class and headed to the library. That was where it all started. 

Being the nerd I am, I stayed in the library studying and reading until the librarian left at around 3:30. While I was in the library I had the feeling someone was watching me, but whenever I glanced around there was no one looking at me. I shrugged the feeling off, believing myself to be paranoid. I wasn't. As I was walking home after the library, I felt a presence behind me. Sure enough, when I turned around there was a man standing behind me, simply staring. He was definitely older than high school age and I was pretty sure he had never gone to my high school. 

I stood on the sidewalk, watching him watch me, for about 20 minutes before a loud truck drove by, snapping me out of it. "Who are you?" I had asked cautiously. 

"I'm Jeremy," he replied with a bow. 

"Have you been following me?" I had asked, even though I already knew the answer. 

He nodded, openly admitting to it. "From the moment I laid eyes on you, you captivated me." 

I raised an eyebrow sceptically. I wasn't much to look at. Average sized breasts, no butt, and zero fashion sense made for a bad combination. Not to mention the fact that my eyes were too big and round and my hair hung in frizzy red waves all down my back. "I'm sure," I said sarcastically. 

Before I even realized he had moved, Jeremy was at my side, holding my hand. "Both your body and soul captivated me, you know." 

Both my body and soul? What could that possibly mean? I had thought. As if he could hear my thoughts, Jeremy had said, "Your soul is pure despite the fact that you have been through much. You don't feel hatred towards people no matter how badly they treat you. Your pure soul would be a good match for a dirty soul like mine." 

Jeremy spoke like a man out of a film based in the 19th century. He was strangely majestic despite the fact that he was simply wearing black cargo pants and a tight blue t-shirt. "What are you talking about?" I asked quietly. 

Jeremy shook his head. "Never mind, we'll discuss it another time. For now, why don't you come over to my house?" 

I knew that I should've said no. My brain was screaming at me, trying to make me run away screaming as opposed to following that handsome stranger to his house. But I simply couldn't say no to a man as handsome and charming as he was. In the 3 minutes we had been talking, he had already captured my heart. 

I nodded and followed Jeremy to a huge mansion that I had never seen before. It looked like it had been built in the 1800's but was still as solid as ever. When Jeremy reached the door he looked back at me and asked, "Are you sure about this?" 

It was a strange question to ask, but I understand why he asked now. Despite my instincts telling me to turn and run, I nodded. Jeremy nodded as well and opened the door to the mansion. I gasped as soon as I saw inside. There was a giant main hallway painted in purple, black, and gold with a magnificent crystal chandelier hanging from the high ceiling. At the end of the hallway I saw a beautiful girl, probably just a bit older than me. "Home so soon Jeremy?" she called. 

Is she his girlfriend? I had thought. Strangely, the thought pulled at my heartstrings. The woman was so much prettier than me, with long black hair and smaller eyes. She would fit perfectly with Jeremy. I was insanely jealous. Jeremy turned and smirked at me, nearly making me faint. Oh, his smirk! It could make a girl melt in seconds. "Meet Lisa, my brother's girlfriend." 

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