Part 1 - First Encounter with a Yandere

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Yandere - a Japanese term for a person who is initially very loving and gentle to someone (or at least innocent) before their devotion becomes destructive in nature, often through violence and/or brutality

"You're mine." The raven said in a low demanding tone with a lace of seduction hinted in it as he tightened his hold on the blonde's chin. How things had gotten this bad, no one had absolutely any idea. But it's like some situations where the person would consider themselves perfectly fine. If you asked the Uchiha if he was okay, he would flat out tell you that he was in fact fine. I mean, who would want to just say that they're not okay and obsessing over someone that they're supposed to hate? The Uzumaki gritted his teeth as the anger seethed inside of him and the Uchiha kept the grip on his chin. "I don't belong to anyone!" He spat back. This side of Sasuke was so demanding... and it was rubbing Naruto the wrong way. "Just who do you think you are!?"

The Uchiha narrowed his cold onyx hues at the blonde Uzumaki in slight anger and a bit of amusement. Of course the male would deny him at first it was nothing unusual, in due time he would come to terms with his love and even return it. "Did you forget?" He asked as he tilted his head slightly with the faint traces of a confused look on his facial features but were soon turned into a sick smile that made the blonde's blood run cold and sent shivers down his spine. "I am the Sasuke Uchiha. And you belong to me." He stated the last part in a more menacing tone as if he hated people defying him, which he did very much.

"Therefore I'm never letting you go." A dry laugh escaped from the male's lips as he looked at the other's scowling facial expression with a hint of amusement in his own onyx hues. It was obvious to the Uchiha that the blonde didn't want to be there or even want to be touched by the male. "You just don't get it do you?" Sasuke asked as he pulled Naruto closer and wrapped his left leg around him to hold him down in place, as the blonde placed one of his hands on the raven's thigh and the other on the ground to keep himself up and supported. "If you aren't all mine," Sasuke started as his eyes seemed to darken in color and lost whatever glisten or at least reflection they had in them. The blonde had something that he wanted, his affection, his attention, his everything, but most importantly Sasuke wanted the Uzumaki's love more than anything. He wanted him to return the feelings that had grown so deep inside of himself and were now being displayed in one of the most bold ways ever.

"Then I'll have to kill the competition..." ❤

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