Part 6 - Paranoid

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Paranoia - suspicion and mistrust of people or their actions without evidence or justification

Paranoid - of, characterized by, or suffering from the mental condition of paranoia.

Where was he? Did he know where he was now? Oh boy, he hoped he didn't. The blonde wouldn't know what to expect from the raven, and still doesn't know what to expect from him. This had become a daily thing for Naruto. Sometimes he wouldn't sleep not even a wink at night because he was unsure of how far Sasuke would go for certain things. So recently, he's had several sleepless nights which have resulted in minor bags forming under his eyes and sluggish movements sometimes. Although, most of the time he tries to hide it by faking his cheerful personality most of the time when he's dead tired in actuality.

This constant evading Sasuke was beginning to tire him out as well, and he was questioning why he was actually pursuing the blonde like this and killing people that interacted with him. Before Sasuke had become violently infatuated with the Uzumaki, he was able to sleep peacefully and in as late as he wanted to with no worries, and able to interact with whoever he wanted to without having to fear for their safety. Now things have changed and Sasuke has decided to turn this into a game of some sort. And in this game, it almost was as if the Uchiha controlled who Naruto got to talk to and if he didn't approve then their penalty would be death with no mercy. If the raven saw the other person as a threat to himself or Naruto, in his warped mind, then mostly no one was allowed to talk to Naruto or they would die. And sure the blonde Uzumaki wasn't the brightest person to talk to, but when it came to the danger of simple interactions, he would pick up on it pretty quickly.

To spare quite a few lives, patience and his own nerves, Naruto didn't go out today in hopes of not having to run into Sasuke anywhere. The chances of running into him anywhere were high because the raven always seemed to know where the blonde was and that didn't help to settle his nerves at all knowing that information. He tried to get some sleep but every time he closed his cerulean blue eyes they wouldn't stay closed for long. He recently had a nightmare that Sasuke was in his home and ever since then he hasn't slept, he may get 3 consecutive hours if he's lucky that his mind has stopped swarming with thoughts long enough to do so.

As time progressed more and more, his condition became worse and worse but he had very little interaction with people nowadays because he knew that Sasuke was capable of such things, and much more. There was only one way to get his life back, and that was to kill Sasuke. But Naruto couldn't do that, he is a teammate and someone that he cares for.

   Could he really kill how own teammate and be on the same level as Sasuke?  

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