Part 4 - You're Mine

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        Mine - used to refer to a thing or things belonging to or associated with the speaker

This ducking and dodging from the raven was going to stop. Sasuke was beginning to lose his patience with the continuous game of hide and seek with the blonde. Every time Naruto would try to avoid Sasuke, he would only find him again and the endless cycle of the hunter and the prey would start all over again. And honestly, the Uchiha was beginning to lose his patience with the blonde.

This time, the raven had absolutely no time for games whatsoever with the blonde. The Uchiha wanted Naruto to love him as much as Sasuke loved him. And he wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted. He always got what he wanted, and this time was going to be no different. Naruto was going to love him, and there was going to be no one to stand in his way to stop him from getting his prize.

Sasuke's search for the blonde continued as his patience was beginning to wear thin with each passing moment that he was searching for the blonde male. After a bit of severe searching, because the blonde had made it a point to continuously avoid the raven, he had finally found just who he wanted to see. Although, who he was with was what actually made me stop to analyze the situation

Wait. Was that who he thought it was? ...No, that couldn't be. The raven's onyx hues narrowed in disgust as he watched the blonde and his companion conversate from afar. By then he had enough of watching the two and took matters into his own, soon to be bloody, hands. Judging by the fact that neither of the two noticed him approaching made the sickening smile twitch onto his lips as if he wanted them to notice him, which he did. Unsheathing his katana the raven picked up his speed towards the blonde's companion before aiming the blade and stabbing the blonde's companion in the chest. Of course both were caught off guard by the sudden action, neither could decide who was more shocked, the one that got stabbed or the one that saw who stabbed him.

As the two lost their balance, Sasuke made sure to drive the katana through the other as deep as he could, until they had stopped struggling and fell limp against his now bloody katana. Naruto was completely taken by surprise at the whole ordeal and lost his balance while trying to back away without the raven noticing, but the effort proved futile and he was soon noticed. "Neeee~ Naru why do you keep running away from me?" Sasuke asked immediately lifting his head and his attention to the male trying to run away from him. The blonde didn't say anything as he looked at the raven with a look of pure shock and mortification on his features.

Picking himself and the bloody katana up from the dead corpse,he made his way over to the blonde he wanted and hovered over him and stabbed his bloody katana into the ground just above his head. "I already told you that you're mine. I'll kill any competition that decides that they want your heart." And there it was again. That voice that made Naruto's blood run cold. The one that made chills run down his spine and him worry for those that came in contact with him.

As the blonde tried to restrain the raven straddling his hips, his efforts proved futile as he stole a glance up at the raven's facial features. Naruto couldn't help but to notice the splatters of blood on his face. The blood not only smeared on the raven's face, but also his hands and his clothes, made the blonde's stomach turn and him feel queasy. Also, the look on the Uchiha's face wasn't making the Uzumaki anymore relaxed under his gaze and in fact, it made him more tense and terrified.

                              "I will have your heart, even if I have to take it by force." ❤🔪  

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