Part 3 - Love Me

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                                                      Love - an intense feeling of deep affection  

By now the raven haired male had grown tired of this ducking and dodging him from the blonde. Sasuke was going to make Naruto love him, just as much as he loved him if not more. As he walked around the village in search of the blonde, he couldn't find him but luck was on his side today. And fortunately enough for him he had finally caught the blonde with his guard down, causing a smirk to play on his features. Now was the time for him to pounce on his prey, or as the Uchiha would call it, simply gaining the Uzumaki's attention.

The blonde had been lying on a rooftop just as the sun was setting. He hadn't done much that day except for run a few errands for himself and get some ramen. So what better way to end the day with no interruptions than to watch the sunset from a rooftop?Of course, that didn't go unnoticed by the raven's onyx eyes that caught sight of his target. Sasuke wasn't sure if he was asleep or not, but it was in his best interest to approach him with caution, even if he was a bit on the unstable side, he knew when it best not to scare away his prey. Upon getting closer to him, he noticed that his eyes were in fact, closed which made the faint traces of a demented smile come to the raven's lips.

Approaching the sleeping blonde with caution, he looked over his sleeping features, taking everything in. The soft breaths that escaped his lips as his chest rose and fell with each breath in and out, how soft his lips looked, 'He looks so peaceful, it would be a shame for it to be ruined.' Sasuke thought as he stood hovering over the Uzumaki, but was soon straddling his waist and caressed his peacefully sleeping features. At leastthe blonde was sleeping peacefully until he felt pressure on his waist and snapped his cerulean blue eyes open, and at that moment he turned on his side with little hope of flipping the Uchiha off of him as well. He drew his arms closer to himself that way the raven couldn't really grab him. Although, it didn't work very well in his favor as Sasuke was now straddling his hip rather than his waist, giving him better access to the side of his face. "Naru~" Sasuke purred in his ear as he leaned down and kissed his cheek, letting his cold yet soft lips linger against the other's sun kissed skin.. "Why are you avoiding me~?"

Naruto stayed quiet as he glanced at the male straddling him from the corner of his eyes with a blank stare, as if it was obvious as to why he was avoiding the raven. Granted it might have been obvious, Sasuke didn't see it that way. The Uchiha's onyx hues bore into the Uzumaki's cerulean gems as he grabbed his wrist and pinned him down so that he couldn't move. "Do you not love me~?" He asked the blonde male in the sickeningly sweet voice that sent a shiver down Naruto's spine, made his skin crawl and his blood run cold. "It's okay, because no matter where you go or who you're with," The Uchiha paused briefly to kiss the shell of his ear and drew back so that he had a view of the look on the Uzumaki's face when he let the words slip from his lips.

                                                        "I'll find you because you're mine." ❤🔪

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