Chapter Two

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I climbed up first waiting for Caleb to sit and explain. "Are you sure you want to know, its not a pretty scene?" Caleb hesitated. I nodded, confirming I want to know this. He hesitated at first, but soon gave in.

"So as you know we have four societies, but people say their is a secret community of people who are Aberrant..." I was about to say something when Caleb lifted his finger to keep me from interrupting.

"Aberrant are the people who don't exactly fit in any society. They are considered different from others as they either have no qualities to fit them in one group or... All of them" he said.

"Do you mean to say people can have all the qualities of our societies and that's why they don't fit in a specific one?"I asked, Caleb nodded. "But then why are Arcanes hunting them down?"

"Because the Arcanes are thinking that they are threat to our societies. People don't know if these people are good or bad, so just to prevent any harm or disruption they are hunting them down" he said

"Hunting them down to..?" I questioned.

He hesitated, "To kill them" he looked down.

I gasped. How can someone kill somebody just because they seem to be a threat? That is just so absurd! I can't believe the council is actually planning of doing this! I have never heard people around hear talking about violence or killing someone, as people here just believed in non violence and just sorting out their problems. I guess there are many deep secrets the council is hiding. And I feel like I should find it.

"Sapph, are you listening?" Caleb waved his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah, sorry I was just thinking." I said, still wrapped in my thoughts.

Caleb raised his eyebrow, "Sapphira I know you well, please do not go around trying to find more about this. You should know this is not a thing people talk around casually. My father would probably kill me if he finds out I've told you this. I warn you Sapphira do not get into this" he glared.

"You know you should sometimes stop acting like your my big brother, I already have a sister who do that stuff. Let's go I don't want to miss History" I said as I started to walk towards the steps leaving Caleb to his doubts.

I know he still doubts me. But did he really thought his threat is going to stop me...

I hope you liked it! Please keep reading!
There's gonna be lot more stuff revealing ahead...

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