Chapter Five

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I awkwardly sat there as he was reading a paper, maybe the questions.

"Okay so let's begin, what would you do if you are at the top of a building and you have to go to a building which is on the other side and all you have is a long plank in between to cross? He asked with a serious face.

What would I do? I kept playing that question in my mind. If I want I can cross on that plank but there's a risk of falling.
But, the main question is why do I have to cross?

"Why would I cross? You haven't provided me a valid reason to cross, then why should I?" I simply stated.

He looked somewhat shocked by my answer. Did I said something wrong? I don't think so.

"Umm.. Okay, what will you do if you are trapped in a house which is on fire and there are five people trapped including you, these guys are from different society than you and there is only one way to get out, which is a way only Valiants can do, so you can easily get out, what would you do?" He asked. Things are really getting intense.

"Well firstly I really don't care of which society they belong to, I believe in time of need you shouldn't bring race in between they are also people like me and it whole be my responsibility to help them the best I could. So I would definitely try to fine a different way to get out and help them and I wouldn't care if I get hurt in the process, I would do it as long as I help the people to be safe" I said without thinking. Every word I said was true I would definitely help these people no matter which society they belong to.

He looked totally baffled by my answer. Am I answering correct?

"What would you do if you are given order to kill a person who is innocent?"

I gasped. Really?! That is pretty harsh. We have taught to fight and use a gun in school but that doesn't mean I would use my skills to kill a innocent, despite of my orders.

"I won't even imagine killing a person who is innocent. I would rather disobey my order than taking away someone's life"

He looked stunned. His reaction clearly stated that he was surprised by my answer, in fact all of them.

"I guess that's enough" he said hesitantly said.

"Really? I thought there would be more."

"Umm.. There's no need" he said as he scratched his back of the neck.

There was awkward silence between us, and the air was really tensed. Something feels wrong..

"So what are my results, am I supposed to know right now?"I nervously asked.

"Umm.. Your result is extremely vague". He said his eyes piercing into mine. Which somewhat gave bad vibe.

"What do you mean vague?"

"It means your answers were not what is expected from a Valiant."

I gasped. I'm not a Valiant! How can it be possible!

"Th-then what am I? Altruist? Arcane?"I asked nervously.

"You are neither of them, your answers were totally inconclusive, your thinking is like a Valiant as well as Altruist... And also Arcane" he said.

"No way! that can't be true... I can't be.." I was shaking my head. I'm not ready to believe this.

"I'm sorry Sapphira but you indeed are Aberrant" he said to me.
His eyes burning into mine, what baffles me that they doesn't hold any kind of sympathy or even anger in them, they are just empty.
With no emotion.

I tried really hard not to cry, I don't like people seeing me cry, I don't like to show that I too sometimes become weak. But this moment, I really don't know what to think about, maybe after this they would take me away and kill me. That thought itself scares me. I am not scared of death, but I am scared what would happen to my family if this happens.

"Get up!" He startled me by that sudden order.

I got out of my chair, maybe he is going to give me away to the council now. I don't think if my father can save me even though he is part of the council.

"Listen carefully, you are going to go straight home, don't tell anyone what your results are, not even your parents or your sister, and if they ask just tell them you think you are normal. Don't tell anyone that you are not" he told in a serious tone.

That's when I realised, he is letting me go. He is not informing this to the council!

I almost gawked at him. Is he really going to help me, he can lose his job due to this.

He dragged me towards the door and pushed me out of it. He was about to close it that's when I stopped him.

"Why are you helping me?" I whispered as I couldn't find any strength in my voice.

He stared at me, with his stunning eyes which were so deep, almost hypnotising.

"I don't know" and with that he slammed the door in my face.

Now what am I suppose to do?

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