11 | Disclosure

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Annabeth was shaken.

Sure, she was with the hunters of Artemis, but they had just left Perseus to face the Nemian Lion. Alone. And, as a matter of fact, the lion had skin like steel infused with titanium, tungsten, inconel, and celestial bronze; or the simplest term that can be used to describe it is unkillable. Of course, Hercules had defeated it, but that was Hercules. Perseus is only just a normal unclaimed demigod who was foolish enough to follow them in a dangerous quest. Though she couldnt help but idolize the guy, taking a huge risk that might've cost him his life. He had been in camp for just a day-with the hunt for gods-know-how-long-and yet she felt as if he was more experienced than he seemed. Also, Perseus is the first known male demigod to bond with Artemis and her hunters since Orion, and that hadn't ended up so well. It would've been a miracle for a male other than Apollo to approach any of the maidens, and yet he had done it. But now?

He was as good as dead.

They-Annabeth, Grover, and the two hunters-on the other hand, were on the run.

I'll meet you there, he had said. He spoke as if he knew where they were supposed to be heading, and that was quite hard to believe, since she didnt even have a clue of what they were going to do next. Maybe that sounded a bit too egotistical, but if any of them should've figured this all out, it was Annabeth. She was, after all, a daughter of Athena. It wasnt just the fact that other people expect it from her, but she also sets high standards for herself-and she absolutely hated not knowing. It just drives her mad.

Questions swarmed in her mind, completely shutting her out from the hushed conversation the hunters were having. Was Perseus still alive? Where were they supposed to go? What now? Did he manage to defeat the lion? What did the next line of the prophecy mean?

"Savior of heroes in the land without rain," she muttered under her breath. "Do you think that we have to go to a desert?"

"If we are, daughter of Athena, then tell me this: out of the thousands of deserts in the world, which would one should we be headed to right now?" Phoebe sighs.

The blonde sneered, her eyes burning with hatred and annoyance.

"She's got a point, Annabeth." Grover bleated nervously. "But...but maybe it's a good thing. Maybe this 'savior of the heroes' can help us on this quest? We've obviously completed the first part, where five of us heads West. Perseus," he faltered. "He was the fifth person, yeah?"

"And I am quite sure that Perseus is no child of the Nemian Lion," Zoë chuckled, her eyes glistening with humor. Her fellow hunter just grinned and shook her head slightly.

"What?" Annabeth wanted to ask, but she stopped herself. And one will perish at a father's hand. Not all prophecies necessarily happen in chronological order, right? Or was that just her anger-driven mind? Maybe that was just her stomach taking control of her emotions, though she cant be so sure.

Annabeth figured that she was going to lose it soon if she doesn't answer at least one of the hundred questions she had.

"Then tell me, oh so praised Zoë, where in Hades should we be headed to?" the demigod scowled, her expression sharp and calculating. But the lieutenant's demeanor didnt waver, and she shot back an equally menacing yet calm gaze.

"I have my suspicions, half-blood, but pray to thy gods that they art not to be true." Zoë replied bitterly.

"Grover," Annabeth said after a long moment of silence. "Can you do any sort of nature spells to help guide us to wherever we're supposed to go?"

The satyr's face lit up, and he reached into his battered backpack and brought out...acorns. What in Hades? But Annabeth kept silent, partially because she didnt want to offend Grover's feelings.

The hunters gave him a quizzical look, but he didn't seem to take notice. Then he tossed them, quickly grabbing the flute tucked in his pocket, and began playing a tune. Annabeth swore that it sounded like Mary Had A Little Lamb. Before she could confirm her guess, the song ended and the small acorns had rearranged themselves. Four were clumped together in the North Western area, and the other was rapidly zipping towards gods-know-where.

Zoë, however, watched it closely as if it were some sort of atom that would cause a nuclear explosion when it comes in contact with a living organism.

"There," she whispered. "It cannot be. The gods have become cruel,"

Annabeth hadnt got a clue about what the lieutenant was talking about. Maybe she finally lost it.

"Where exactly is that acorn headed?"

The hunteress chuckled uneasily, shifting slightly. "That is not just an ordinary acorn, girl. That represents Perseus-" she takes a deep breath. "-and he is headed in the most dangerous place on thy world,"

But none of them noticed the small rubble reacting to the nature magic Grover had casted, because tiny pebbles were trailing the one they claimed to be the only other person in their quest.

Wow this is so short I am super sorry omfg. Thank you guys for patiently waiting for this update! Ilyasm. And thanks to those who followed my other account ayt XD

Dont forget to leave your opinions and comments below! See you guys soon.

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