19 | A Fun Trip to the Titan's Prison

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Perseus, being the son of Zeus, had control over the winds. He thanked his father, glad that he was a son of the lord of the sky, as watching the teenagers being hauled by the two metallic statues looked rather uncomfortable.

He flew at a steady pace, staying right beside Zoë. He knew of her fate, and was filled with dread as to how his sister would react.

"Save Lady Artemis, will thee?" the lieutenant asked softly, her gaze sad. She looked like she was on the verge of tears, but she had forced them back. "Tell her that I am thankful for her aid,"

"You will tell her all this yourself, Zoë, I do not have the need to deliver any messages."

Perseus didnt know why he said it, but he knew it was true. Again, he was trusting his instincts. The hunter only smiled at him, nodding. "But if I don't, please tell her for me."

"I will," Perseus said. "I swear it on the river Styx."

Thunder boomed overhead, but no rain poured down. They passed several mountains, gigantic square boards with pictures of people on them, tall buildings, and whatnot. It seemed to be an eternity before they finally arrived at the place called San Francisco, where the mountain Atlas was supposedly trapped in was.

"Are you ready to face your sisters?" the god asked, tilting his head as the wind ripped at his clothes. "The four Hesperides, if I am not mistaken?"

The girl remained silent, but Perseus understood, daring not to break the growing tension between them. Annabeth said something to the automatons, but it was lost in the wind. Suddenly, the two angels dove head-first into a small village under them.

"My family," Annabeth mouthed at him. "Supplies, food, in the house."

The immortal nodded and let go of his control over the winds. He dropped like a stone, performed a somersault from the rooftop of one house, and tucked his head in before he rolled and stood up, unharmed. Adrenaline pumped through his godly veins, and his eyes flashed with excitement.

The daughter of Athena, however, looked horrified. After a long argument on their way towards the Chase household, they finally reached an agreement: no more dangerous stunts unless completely necessary. Perseus let out a childish huff as he pushed the small button beside the door frame. Apparently, it was called a doorbell. He waited patiently with the rest of the questing group, tapping his foot onto the porch rhythmically.

Then the door opened, revealing a man in his mid forties, wearing an old fashioned aviators cap and goggles. He looked so weird, with his eyes bulging out through the glasses, that all of the people that didn't know him took a wary step back. Annabeth, however, took a bold step forward.

"Dad," she said nonchalantly, "we need your help."

The grim expression on her face must have had an effect, as Frederick Chase removed the goggles and the cap. He had sandy-colored hair like Annabeth and intense brown eyes. He stood up straighter and adjusted his white button-down shirt.

"You'd better come in," he said.


Perseus glanced at the house he just entered. Several colourful blocks were scattered across the floor, and two cats were sleeping in the sofa in the living room. The coffee table was stacked with magazines, and a little kid's winter coat was forgotten on the floor. The whole house smelled of freshly baked chocolate-chip cookies. There was jazz music coming from the kitchen. To the god, it seemed like a messy, happy kind of home-the ideal type of place for a loving family. Nearby, two children bickered over the half-finished structure made out of the weird bright coloured blocks.

"Honey?" A woman called. Annabeth's stepmom appeared in the living room, wiping her hands on a dish towel. She was a pretty Asian woman with red highlighted hair tied in a bun.

"Oh, hello, Annabeth." she said, giving the blonde demigod a warm smile. Then she noticed the look on her husband's face. "You lot better go up to the study. I'll bring up some snacks,"

"Thank you, dear." Professor Chase said, planting a light kiss on the woman's cheek before climbing the stairs, with the group of teenagers close behind.

Once they entered the study, Perseus was impressed. The room was wall-to-wall books, but what really caught the god's attention was the war toys. There was a huge table with miniature tanks and soldiers fighting along a blue painted river, with hills and fake trees and whatnot. Old-fashioned biplanes hung on strings from the ceiling, tilting at crazy angles like they were in the middle of a dog fight.

"Yes. The Third Batlle of Ypres. Im writing a paper, you see, on the use of Sopwith Camels to strafe enemy lines. I believe that they played a much greater role than they've been given credit for." Dr.Chase smiled.

Zoë came over and studied the battlefield. "The German lines were further from the river."

Annabeth's dad stared at her. "How do you know that?"

"I was there," she deadpanned, her tone suggesting that it was a fact. "Artemis wanted to show us how horrible war was the way mortal men fight each other. And how foolish, too. The battle was a complete waste,"

Dr.Chase opened his mouth in shock. "You"

"Dad," Annabeth intercepted. "That isn't why we're here."

"Right," Frederick Chase said, spreading his arms out. "So, what do you need?"

So they told him everything. Perseus glanced nervously out of the window. The sun was setting, and they were running out of time.

"We need transportation to Mount Tamalpais," Zoë finished "And we need it immediately."

"I can drive you," the mortal nodded, scratching the stubble on his chin thoughtfully. "It would be faster to drive my Camel, but the car would have to do."

"Dad," Annabeth said, looking rather uncomfortable. "You cant come along. It's too dangerous for a mortal to be around us at the moment. I'm sorry,"

The gaze of her dad hardened. "I can't let you get into danger, Annabeth, and besides who's—"

"I can drive," Zoë promised. "I assure you that I am not as young as I look."

Professor Chase's eyebrows were knit together, but he handed her the keys anyway.

"Be safe, Annabeth." he had said before they walked out of the door with a bag of snacks and the car keys.

"I will," the daughter of Athena replied. Just before the door shut, Mrs. Chase called out for her stepdaughter.

"Annabeth," Mrs.Chase said. "Just remember that...you still have a home here, okay?"

The blonde blinked several times, trying hard to not let the tears fall.


The word barely came out as a whisper. Then, too soon, they were on the road, with less than an hour to rescue Thalia and Artemis.

I DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO WRITE SO I DID THE THING WHERE I COPIED SOME PART FROM THE BOOK OOPS. Anyways, the first part of thr Pirate!Percy AU is out go read it and give me some feedback. The title is The Lost Prince and it's the other fanfic published on this account. Love you guys xx


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2016 ⏰

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