Chapter 2

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The next morning it was not her alarm that woke Clementine from her dreamless sleep, but the wall phone ringing annoyingly. With a groan she got out of bed and shuffled out into the hall.

"Hello?" She mumbled tiredly.

"Hi," said the person on the recieving end. "This is Mike Nesmith." Clementine was wide awake now, cursing herself inside her head for sounding so tired before.

"Oh u-um hi, Mike." She said. Smooth, Clem. She thought bitterly.

Suddenly, there was laughing on the other end. It sounded an awful lot like...Cliff?

"Clem, you are gullible! It's me, Cliff!" Clementine rolled her eyes in anger, not understanding how she didn't register the lack of Texan twang in the first place. "So, it is true then? You and Michael Nesmith are a thing? Spill it, sis." Clementine gasped.

"Who the hell told you that?" She growled. "We only just met yesterday!" Cliff chuckled.

"And Charlie said it looked like you were undressing him with your eyes..." Cliff teased in a sing-song voice. Clementine rolled her eyes.

"Oh, shut up, Cliff." She said. He chuckled on the other end.

"Come on Clem, you know I'm joking." He said. "Oh, by the way, Charlie said there's a few pipes leaking that he needs to fix, you've got a day off today. Hey, I'm late for work, but it was nice talking to you. Bye Clementine!"

"Bye Clifford." She said, hanging up before he could rant about how she can't call him that.

She sighed, standing there in the hallway for a minute. What would she do now that she had off of work? She decided to call Charlie and see if he wanted help with the pipes. She dialed the number and waited. Finally, someone answered.

"Hello?" A voice said. It didn't sound like Charlie though, it was more British.

"Hello..." Clementine raised an eyebrow as she recognized the voice. "Davy?"

"Yeah," the voice replied. "Who's this?" Clementine chuckled.

"This is Clementine, Davy. I was wondering if Charlie needed help with his leaking pipes?"

"Oh, hi Clementine!" Davy said. "I'll go get Charlie for yeh." Clementine chuckled, wondering if the guys always hung around there.

"Hey, Clem, thanks for checking in on me." Charlie soon appeared on the other end. "My buddy Laurel is fixing the pipes, but why don't you head over anyway? The guys and I are hanging out." Clementine considered it.

"Sure, I'll be over." She said. "Oh, and Charlie?"

"Yes, Clem?"

"You are dead." Charlie cackled, he knew exactly what she was talking about. Clementine put down the phone and walked out of the hallway. As a force of habit, she opened the fridge. Seeing that it was empty- it would have been puzzling if it wasn't, she hadn't bought any food- she made a mental note to stop at the shops later on in the day. With a sigh she picked up her purse and went out the door, her mind full and her stomach empty.

Stepping outside, Clementine realized that it had rained the night before. Glancing up at the dark cloudy skies, Clementine figured it might again. She quickened her pace just in case.

Her hand connected with the doorknob of the Daybird Diner just as the first raindrops fell. Just minutes after she'd gotten inside, a drizzle became a downpour. Clementine watched as people hurried into buildings all around them and sped off in their cars, having to stop and put up the tops before they left. Some people, soaked to the bone already and with no where to go just started dancing around on the sidewalks. Clementine shook her head in astonishment, thinking that they'd regret it later once they had a cold.

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