Chapter 5

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When Clementine woke up, she was face to face with Mike still. She gasped a little, and the rush of air blew his hair slightly out of place. Despite the mammoth pain pounding in her head, she laughed. Mike's face lacked any signs of stress or negative feelings when he was asleep. Clementine found herself thinking that he looked quite cute. Little did she know that just last night, Mike had thought the same thing about her.

"Miss Allen?" Helen walked in, with Micky trailing behind her. Micky gaped a little at the two, before his surprised expression morphed into one that said "cute, you guys, but everyone knew it was gonna happen." Micky took a camera that Helen had sitting on the bedside table and snapped a shot of the two snuggling.

At the noise Clementine turned over and looked at the nurse. Helen smiled at her.

"Hello." She whispered. Clementine gestured to Mike. "Has he been here all night?" Helen nodded.

"You okay, Clementine?" Mickty took an open seat by her hospital bed. "You scared us all to death!"

"I'm fine, Micky." She assured him. Suddenly, her eyes grew wide. "Oh my gosh, Charlie must be distraught. His store, i-it was s-so b-bad-" she took a deep breath and Micky gripped her hand, they waited for the beeping on her heart rate monitor to slow. She smiled gratefully through a few tears at Micky.

"Thank you." She said quietly.

"No problem, Clem." He replied. "Charlie's gonna be fine, he has insurance and they're taking care of it all. Davy and Peter are over there helping him sort some stuff out, and they'll be over in a while."

"Clementine? Hi, my name is Helen. I'm gonna be your nurse while you're here." Clementine smiled at Helen. Looking at Micky, she had to do a double take. He was smiling at her too, but he was looking like a lovestruck idiot. She chuckled a little bit at the way he seemed to be fawning.

"Is it bad?" She asked, wincing as she tried to adjust her position.

"Nothing we can't fix." Helen assured her. "It could have been a lot worse for you, Clementine, if Mike hadn't been there to help you." Mike, who had started to stir in the middle of her sentence, was now sitting up beside Clementine.

"Morning, sleepyhead." Clementine chuckled. He smiled at her.

"How're ya feelin'?" He asked her. She shrugged.

"Better, now." She said. "My hero." Mike rolled his eyes playfully and slung his arm around her.

"Shucks..." Mike took of his wool hat and scratched his head, refusing to meet Clementine's eyes. Seeing the sudden change in Mike made her giggle. Clementine inhaled his pleasant scent, it was a musty one but it wasn't suffocating, it was inviting and a hidden aspect that she could almost associate with rootbeer. Laying her head on his chest like that, timing his heartbeat like a child would count sheep, Clementine dozed off again.

Micky chuckled. "She's really warmed up to you, Mike." Suddenly, the door opened and Davy and Peter, followed by Charles, walked in. Davy had a small boquet of roses in his hand.

"Clementine! Glad to see you're awake." He said. Helen took the flowers from him and put them in a vase beside Clementine's table.

"Hello!" She said, waving to the guys. "Thank you, so much. All of you- and as for the flowers, you didn't have to do that! They are lovely, though."

"No problem, love." Davy said. He and Peter relaxed as they sat back on two more chairs by her bed.

"So," said Peter. "When is Clementine allowed to leave?"

"Well, I'm afraid that she's gonna have to stay for another few days, Peter." Helen told him. Peter frowned. "I'm sorry guys, but visiting hours are over in a few minutes. I'll leave you be while you say goodbye for the day."

"Wait, Helen-" Mike got up to stop her, and she turned around in the doorway.

"Yes, Mike, you can stay." She smiled warmly at him and walked out. Soon enough, visiting hours were over and only Mike and Clementine remained.

"You didn't have to stay." She told him, and his hand snuck it's way over to her own as their fingers intertwined.

"I did, Clementine." He told her. Mike drew in a deep breath and averted his eyes up to the ceiling. "I have something to ask you...only I'm not sure if you'll say yes."

Clementine hid her excitement well, thinking she had a pretty good idea of what his question might be.

"I wouldn't be so sure," she replied. "Shoot."

Mike chuckled a little bit, at how relaxed she was. He shrugged.

"Alrighty then." He sighed, his twang sending a sensation through to Clementine's heart. "Look, Clementine...I met you a few days ago and I really like you. I was wondering...would you like to go on a date with me?"

"I'd love to, Mike."

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