Chapter 7

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The next day at work, Charlie would laugh silently every time his eyes wandered over to where Clementine was working. At least once every five minutes, she'd give a happy little sigh. And often times she'd laugh to herself as she mixed a customer's drink. He could tell she was thinking about last night- what happened between them, he didn't know. But whatever it was was making Clementine act like a schoolgirl in love.


Such a wonderful thing, he thought, as he looked at Clementine before walking over to bring a table their orders.

"This looks, delicious, thank you!" An older lady sat with a middle aged man, smiling as she handed him their menus. Charlie assumed they were mother and son. "And the drinks are just great. My compliments to the bartender." Charlie grinned, knowing that Clem hated the term "bartender" and preferred to be called a "sommelier."

"Well, thank you very much!" Charlie charismatically and politely thanked the woman and her son, who was nodding in agreement. "I'll tell her."

"Is that her?" The woman pointed to Clementine, and Charlie nodded. "She looks like a woman in love," 

"Oh, she is." Charlie chuckled at the woman's perceptiveness. 

"Whoever she's with, they're going to be together forever. I know so. It's destiny." Charlie couldn't help but smile. 

"Excuse my mother," the young man told Charlie as they walked out of the Daybird Diner. "She talks nonsense sometimes." 

Meanwhile, Mike was acting just as lovestruck as Clementine. Every time he so much as thought of her, his heart would begin to pound practically out of his chest. He was in love, no doubt about it. Anyone near him could tell. As soon as he and Micky, Peter, and Davy finished filming their show that day, they dragged him to the lake behind the backlot to hear everything about the date they had helped him- a nervous wreck- prepare for.

"C'mon, Mike, tell us!" Davy encouraged. He felt incredibly happy that his best friend had found a girl. Mike had always had a hard time letting people in- girls especially, because he was convinced they were all after a man who could provide them with a meaningless pleasure night after night. Now, he had finally found a girl whom all the Monkees approved of- Mike most importantly. And Davy was overjoyed, they all were.

"Okay, calm down man." Mike chuckled. "We, um...well, Charlie set us up with this great scene, and I played her a song that I wrote, and then..." Mike had spaced out by now, his deep brown eyes that Clementine had gazed into so lovingly the night before were misty with love as he remembered the previous night. 

"MIKE!" Micky tackled his friend out of his stupor, his impatience evident as Mike took his sweet time telling them the details.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" I'll tell ya." Mike took a deep breath, basking not only in memories of what he felt was the best date he'd ever had, but also in the boys' keenness to know what had happened. As much as he enjoyed teasing them so, he decided it was time he let them off the hook. "We kissed."

Well, he almost instantly regretted that. Micky shouted and ran around like a child, Peter clapped loudly, and Davy was throwing his hands in the air like he was a heavyweight champion. There was a lot of noise and commotion, and Mike didn't care for any of it. But this time, he let it slide. His friends were happy that he had met the girl of his dreams- and so was he.

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