Chapter 9

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"Will you- umm- will you marry me?"


Beyond smiled as well, standing up and pulling you tight, pressing his lips against yours in a passionate kiss. You pulled away and smiled wide, throwing your arms around ︎Beyond. He hugged you back.


He said, still hugging you,


You said pulling away from the hug to look at him,

"Tomorrow, we should get married tomorrow,"

"B, what's the rush?"

"Nothing, I just want to marry you as soon as possible,"

"But isn't tomorrow a little too soon?"

"The day after tomorrow then,"


He hugged you again, pulling you tight,

"I love you (F/N),"

"...I love you too B,"

"We should start planning the wedding,"

︎Beyond said, his eyes widening. You laughed, unsure of how else to respond.

"Come on!"

He grabbed your hand and dragged you to the bedroom, he sat you down on the bed before going to the bottom drawer and pulling out a laptop.

"︎Beyond, please don't lie, why are you in such a rush?"

Beyond stopped what he was doing and froze. A gloomy expression fell over his features for a split-second before he turned to you and smiled,

"I already told you, I just want to marry you as soon as possible,"

You stared at him, making eye contact, he stared back. He broke eye contact, placed the laptop on the bed and hugged you, placing his head in the crook of your neck. You felt your shoulder become wet and Beyond's body was shaking violently,

"Seriously ︎Beyond, your scaring me, what's going on?!"

You questioned, wrapping your arms around his shaking body.

"I just- just- can't loose-- you,"

he said in between sobs.

"What are you talking about? You're not going to loose me,"

His body shook even more with that and the tears flowed in a steady stream down his face and onto your sleeve, which was now drenched with Beyond's tears. He pulled away slightly, still hugging you. His eyes were fixed to just above your head, the tears started flowing faster as he leant toward you again,

"Why do you always do that?"

You asked,

"you did it when we were little too,"

he pulled away and looked at you, wiping his tears with his sleeve,

"You look just above people's heads."

You said pointing to above your head,

"I can- well- umm... it's hard to explain,"

he said in a shaky voice.

"Please B, just tell me,"

"I said it's hard to explain, please can we just get to planing,"

"No, not until you tell me why the hell you're crying so much!"

"I can't,"



"For me?"

"I can see when people are going to die..."

He whispered, barley audible; but you head him,


"I can see when people are going to die..."

He said slightly louder,


"I've got the eyes..."

He said quietly,


"I've got the Shinigami eyes, that's why my eyes are red,"


You really didn't know how to respond to this,

"What does this have to do with why your crying?"

The tears started flowing down his face. He hugged you again, holding your head to his chest as his arms wrapped around you. You felt his body shaking, then it clicked,

"B? Does that mean you know when I'm going to die?"

"I'm so sorry,"

So many thoughts ran through your head, your head spun.

"Do you want to know?"

He asked you, pulling you closer.

"No.... let's just plan this wedding,"

"Of course,"

︎Beyond pulled away, opening the laptop and turning it on,

"Just something small,"

You said. He nodded.

"Anything you want."


After a couple of hours of planning, ︎Beyond and you had decided on a small wedding in a garden. It was starting to get late and you were getting tired,

"Wanna get some sleep?"


you mumbled sleepily,

"Lay down, we can finish tomorrow,"


You lied down on the bed and got under the covers. ︎Beyond put the laptop back and then slid under the covers next to you, slinging an arm around your body. You snuggled into his warmth, closing your eyes, his presence somehow making you feel safe.

"You opened the door, didn't you?"

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