Half Way Through Thirteen

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(Barley waits by the gate. She has been waiting for an hour now. She walks back alone, wondering where Simon is. She walks past his house and knocks on the door. His mother, Miss Ridgewood, opens the door.

MissR: Oh, its Barley.

Barley: Hey, is Simon here?

MissR: He arrived here, only shortly before he left to the park. He seemed excited about something.

(Barley nods and says good bye before, being rather rude and stalkerish, walks to the park. She spots Simon, his hands tangled in Blond Girl's hair, and his lips pressed against hers. Both dream-like with their eyes closed. The girl opens hers and pushes him away, whispering something to him. He grins then they resume to kissing. Barley throws her hand to her mouth and heart in throat, she suppresses a scream.)

Barley: (Crying out uncontrollably) Simon!

(Simon pushes the girl away, recognising Barley's voice. The other girl is revealed to be one of Barley's playmates: Evelyn. Evelyn recoils shock.)

Simon: Barley? How.....

Evelyn: Barley...

(Barley's eyes widen in alarm. She runs away shocked.)

Barley: (When she is alone) You fool, Barley! You should have known he didn't like you back. You were JUST friends.

(A crying mess, she sobs and her mother comes running out to comfort her.)

Mother: It's okay Barley. It's okay.

The Next Day

(The school corridor. Evelyn rushes to Barley.)

Barley: How could you?

Evelyn: Barley, it's not what you think. You're still his best friend...

Barley: You were kissing! How long has this been going on for!

Evelyn: Not long. Trust me.

Barley: Oh yea. You could have told me, warned me.

(Barley strops away. Evelyn looks close to tears and comes chasing after her.)

Evelyn: Don't blame Simon for any of this. He thought you knew!

Barley: You lied to him too?

Evelyn: I didn't want to come between friends. I didn't want to cause a fall out.

Barley: Well congratulations Evelyn, you have.

Evelyn: Barley! These things happen. Get over yourself. Simon is under enough pressure already.

(Barley starts crying.)

Barley: I just wasn't expecting this.

(Nina, Barley's new best friend, comes over.)

Nina: You want to come to my house later. There's this ace clearing for riding bikes. My bike is at the school so we could collect your bike from the house and then cycle back to my.

Barley: Sounds like a plan, Nina.

(Nina looks excited to be Barley's mate and they make more plans together.)

Later That Day

(Simon is waiting by the Gate for Barley. Barley walks straight past apparently without even noticing poor desperate Simon.)

Simon: Barley...

(Barley goes off with Nina, her new best mate.)

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