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Hey all! Thanks so much for the comments! I'm happy you all have enjoyed it so far!

This chapter contains sexual content. if you know you're under age, please don't read!!

Enjoy and look forward to chapter 4!!~

Kiyan's POV 

Ok, that could have gone better.  

I paced back and forth in my bedroom, thinking over what had happened. I had come on way too quickly. I should have known not too, with all the experience I had with woman. But something with her makes me want to tease her. I growled and stopped moving. After I had disappeared from her view, I had followed her to see what she would do. Avaline had ran home, collapsed as soon as she had locked herself inside, and cried until she was gasping for air. She was confused, scared, and angry. I didn't give her time for anything. I growled and slashed my claws along the wall next to my bed. 

"Sire?" I froze at the sound of Ravus' voice. I turned to him and narrowed my eyes. 

"What is it?" 

"The preparations for the ritual are ready." His voice shook with uneasiness. I shooed him away and flashed myself to my father's bedroom. He and my mother stood in front of a large circle, ancient writing as old as the earth itself scrawled in the circle. Mother was Beautiful to say the least;long curling chestnut hair framing a face any female would die to have. Large red eyes glowing like rubies. I took a deep breath before bowing low to them. 

"Mother," I smiled softly to her. "Father." I gave a nod to the grinning figure of Satan. 

"It is ready, my son." Lucifer said, motioning to the circle. I said nothing more as I stepped inside. As soon as I did, it started glowing, the words entwined with the circle like vines hugging the moon. I cut my hand and started to say the words that would help me. 

"With this blood," I let the blood fall to the ground, making the white glow a color just like my mothers eyes."I ask for guidance from the lords of hell, from the spirits that first began this place. Find me the person that my heart has been yearning for, has been waiting for. I will give my life to hell if I shall fail." I closed my eyes, stiffening as a tight pain in my chest rose up after the words were finished. I knew the risks that this ritual took. If my mate was dead or was about to die, I would perish right here. However, I had confidence that I will find the one. An image rose behind my eyelids, making my body stiffen in surprise. The girl I saw was sleeping on a couch, hugging her knees to her chest. I could see the tears that marked her beautiful face. I opened my eyes, my lips pressed into a thin line. 

"Avaline." I whispered out loud to myself.

Avaline's POV 

I cried out in pain as my chest flared up suddenly. I woke up from my restless sleep, panting and crying. I clutched at my chest, wanting the pain to disappear. I shut my eyes tightly and was surprised to see the image of that Kiyan person. He looked troubled and lost somehow. I had the deep yearning to want to pull him into my arms and get that smirk of his back onto his beautiful face. I pushed that thought out of my head and opened my eyes, the pain slowly disappearing.Kiyan's sad figure lingered in my head though, even with my eyes open I could see him clearly. 

"What in the world is going on?" I mumbled to myself quietly. I sat up from the couch but regretted it when a surge of nausea caused me to become dizzy. I leaned back against the couch, cursing at my horrible luck. First, that person attacks me, and then I am panting in pain from some unknown explanation, let alone having that person stuck in my mind now. I shook my head and moved to stand up but froze when a figure popped up in front of me. 

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