Demon Ball! Part 1

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I know its not as long as I promised, but I only had enough time to write this much. I hope you enjoy it still though! 

Picture of the dress on the side! ------>

If anyone likes reverse harem stories, I'm writing a new story called "Just My Luck" Prologue is up already! Check it out!

Avaline's pov 

The next morning it was quiet, more quit then what it usually is. I sat up in my bed, sleepily looking around. Something was wrong, I could sense it. I stood up and headed towards the living room, glancing around cautiously. All seemed well, but it still left a odd feeling within my chest. Suddenly, a loud knock echoed through the house, making me jump and sending my heart racing. I hurried towards the door and swung it open, hoping to find why I felt like this. 

"Good morning!" A grinning girl stood in front of me. I relaxed and smiled back at her, relieved. 

"Morning, Emma." I stood to the side and let her in. 

"What's with the gifts?" Emma asked as she walked in. I frowned at her, not sure what she was talking about. She motioned to the outside and plopped down on the sofa. I poked my head outside and gasped. Five boxes rested on the porch. Guess I now know why I felt uneasy. I picked them up and carried the gifts into my house, not sure if I should open them or not. 

"What are they?" Emma asked. Her face lit up suddenly. "ooooh! Does someone have a boyfriend now?" 

"Shut up." I snapped at her, my patience was wearing thin right now. Was Kiyan the cause of this? He did mention sending someone to give me a dress... 

"Open it up." Emma chirped, ignoring my mood. I sighed and took the largest box there was. What the hell? It was so large but so light. Emma studied it before speaking again. "It's a dress, right?" 

"I don't know, Emma." I said, sighing. I opened the gift up and wasn't surprised to find that Emma was right. She had a knack for guessing gifts. I picked up the dress inside and stared at it in wonder. It was a short black dress. A large jewel sat at the top of it in the middle, where it was a floral type fabric on top and fishnet frills hanging down. It kind of reminded me of a gothic style dress. I glanced at Emma, who was eyeing it like it was like some type of new food.  

"Who got it for you?" She asked, looking up at me after a time. I didn't answer as I grabbed the other stuff and saw it was boots and stockings along with some other accessories. I sighed, so he was telling the truth after all, huh? 

"If you don't want them..." Emma began, trailing off when a knock at the door sounded. I leapt up and hurried to the door and swung it open. Kiyan grinned down at me, his confidence overflowing. 

"You're such an asshole." I muttered. He frowned then, confusion written clear on his handsome face. 

"What's wrong? I just knocked and you call me an asshole." 

"You're too confident, that's what. Did you think sending me these presents was going to make me jump on you and willingly let you have me as you desire?" My anger was rising up quickly, and I didn't know why. He didn't do anything but send me presents.  

"Avaline, I thought no such things. I told you yesterday, I would be sending you a dress for the party tonight." He stepped closer, making me move back from him. He let out a long sigh before glancing at Emma. Kiyan grinned at my friend, who was staring in awe and envy. 

"Hello, Ms. Emma." He said bowing towards her. She blushed and quickly looked away. She never was good with guys advancing towards her. She had to be the one taking the advance. 

"You should dress and come back, father and mother are waiting." Kiyan said, drawing my eyes back to him. I didn't respond for a moment before sighing. What the hell, might as well. I didn't like it, but he went to the trouble of buying all this for me, I couldn't just deny him this request now. I went to the back and dressed, taking my time. I looked in the mirror after about a hour of getting ready. Long floral see through gloves hugged my hands and arms. A black flower to match my brown hair, and fishnet stockings. A collar necklace wrapped around my neck, completing the look. I had to admit, it didn't look to bad on me at all. I went back down to the living room, where Kiyan was talking to a bashful Emma. As soon as I came into view, Kiyan had his eyes on me. 

"Wow, Avaline!" Emma gasped, her hands covering her mouth. "I knew you was pretty, but you look hot in that!" She grinned at Kiyan then before back at me. I blushed at her words before glancing at Kiyan, wondering why he didn't say a word yet. His eyes were burning into me as soon as we made eye contact. Need filled his eyes and transferred to me, making me want what he wanted. Damn this bond we share.  

"Come." Was the only thing he said as he held his hand out to me. I took a deep breath and took it. He pulled me close to his chest before everything turned white.

Kiyan's POV 

I looked up from my conversation and froze. Avaline was walking down the stairs, her beauty unbelievable. The dress my mother picked out for her was indeed a good match for her. I stood up slowly, my eyes never leaving her once. 

"Wow Avaline!" Her friend, Emma exclaimed as she finally seen her. I tuned out her other words as I felt my body responding. Just by looking at her, it responds in the most annoying ways it seems. And then her eyes met mine and it was all I could do to keep from jumping her and taking her right here. Her eyes glowed as she watched me, telling me she felt the same way. Of course, I knew it was only because of the bond, but it made me happy. I straightened up and held my hand out to her. 

"Come." Was the only word I could say without giving away how I was feeling. She placed her hand in mine and I instantly pulled her body against mine. I let out a soft growl before wrapping my arms around her body. I closed my eyes and flashed us outside of the banquet hall. She pulled away as soon as she regained her bearings, making me wanting more. She stared up at me with wide eyes, fear forming in them again. I frowned before remembering in hell I was always a demon. 

"Are w-we here then?" She asked, stuttering slightly. She was scared, but she was acting brave. Braver then any human female I've encountered. Right then and there, I was happy she was my other half. I grinned before walking up to the doors. 

"Yes, we are here." I glanced at her as she hesitantly stood next to me. "Do not stray from my side or my parent's side. There are a lot more fearsome looking demons here then how I look." I watched as she visibly flinched at the words. 

"I-I'm not scared." She muttered before taking my arm that I was offering her. I chuckled before pushing open the doors, soft light flooding around us. I watched as Avaline's eyes became adjusted. She blinked a few times before looking ahead. She gasped then before looking up at me in disbelief. 

"Alright, I'm scared." Was the only thing she said.

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