Dance Club Disaster

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Luke's picture on the side. Sorry, not sure who the model/actor is o-o

Kiyan’s POV

I stood in my room in silence; the only thing I could hear was my own heavy breathing. After I had left Avaline, I had lost control and now my room was a disaster. My bed was nothing but stuffing and splinters. If it had not been for the protection barrier that my father had put around the building, it too would have been destroyed. I stared at the ground, my claws digging deep into my hands. I felt hot blood dripping from the wounds I was creating but I didn’t care. Avaline had completely pushed me away from her. It was enough to make me go insane from jealousy. Why should a mere human be by her side when I couldn’t even get close enough to be by her side? I spun around suddenly when I heard my door open. My mother stood in the doorway silently eyeing me.

“Go away.” I turned away from her. “I don’t want to see your face right now.” I knew my words were hurtful, but I could care less right now, I was too preoccupied with trying to figure out what to do with Avaline.

“Kiyan, I told you I was sorry.” Delyth spoke softly, her words laced with regret. After the ball, mother had tried so many times to apologize to me. She had said that someone had gotten her attention and she had only taken her eyes off Avaline for a few seconds. But I didn’t care about that anymore; I only cared about trying to get my soul mate back.

“Go. Away.” I put extra emphasis on my words to try to get her to understand I didn’t want to be bothered.

“Your father wishes to see you.” And then she was gone, my door left wide open. My father would be disappointed, I wasn’t about to see him right now. I sat down on the cold stone floor, placing my hands behind my head and resting my elbows on my knees. I was powerless when it came to making a girl actually love me it seemed. Avaline had so willingly gone to the other guy, leaving me behind like a used toy. I let out an ear piercing cry, my voice rising and rising with my anger.

“Kiyan!” my father’s voice rang through the room and before I knew it I was sitting on the floor in my father’s throne room. I glared up at him as he stalked towards me, his expression of pure disgust.

“What is it?” I snapped at him as I stood up. Father flung out his hand and I was sent flying into the air, hitting the wall hard.

“You pathetic little runt.” He walked towards me, his hand slowly closing into a fist. I gasped as I felt pressure close around my neck. “You sit here, wallowing in your sorrows, when you could be out there trying to get back that human. Are you stupid? Do you know you will die if you do not get her within the year?” Suddenly I was dropped to the ground. I coughed as air rushed back into my lungs. After finally catching my breathe, I glared up at him and I knew my eyes had turned red.

“What do you want me to do right now, father? Avaline hates me and she has another guy.” I stood and met his gaze with my own, not backing down. My father’s expression then turned to one of sadness before sighing. He turned towards my mother like he was searching for an answer. She gave a short nod and smiled sadly. Lucifer turned back towards me and shook his head slowly.

“There is a way to severe the bond you two share.” He finally said after a few minutes of silence.  “I didn’t wish to tell you this, cause if can be lift threatening to you, but it seems like it will not work out. She may be your soul mate, but both your hearts are not connected.” Lucifer walked back to his throne and sat down, suddenly looking so tired. I walked over to them and stood at the bottom of the throne, waiting. I didn’t wish to be alone again, but I also didn’t want a mate who did not want me.

“Tell me.” I said softly. Father sighed again before nodding.

“As you know, you two are connected through a ritual that is sacred. Because of this, there was no way to reverse it except for one way. It’s risky, but it can be done.” Father’s eyes connected with mine then. “If you wish to severe the connection, you must give up both your powers and your soul to the kind of hell. Not me, but the first king of hell.” When he stopped speaking, I felt a chill go through my body. The first king of hell was a true devil. He was the fallen angel God had thrown from Heaven for his rebellion. Father was born from God, along with his sister Lillith, but had been sent here because they did not wish to follow the rules God gave them. Unlike father and Lillith though, the true king of hell was ruthless in everything he did worse so then my own father. If I had to speak to him, I could not guarantee my life. I stared at the ground for a long time, contemplating it over.

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