Everything Comes To The Light[Final Chapter]

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Alright this is the final chapter! Hope you all enjoyed the story~

This chapter has sexual activity in it, so please if you are under the age, do not read. Or do not read the last bit if you don't want to read about that stuff.

Avaline’s POV

The three of us arrived at the party around 7 P.M. and it was in full throttle already. Before we had left, I had grabbed a black jacket that ended right above my belly button. Don’t know why Emma thought I would wear such a thing in public. When we had entered the party, I had instantly broken away from Kiyan, not wanting to be around him at the moment. I kind of felt bad leaving him on his own, but my own insanity was at risk right now. Emma had gotten us some mixed drinks, which I was now sipping at while watching everyone around me. I would usually flirt and tease guys for fun when at parties, but with Kiyan here, I couldn’t do that. He wasn’t my boyfriend, but I knew he had a temper and he would probably end up fighting someone.

“Hey cutie, want to dance?” A flirty voice spoke above me, making me glance up. A guy with short light brown hair and green eyes stood before me. He was dressed as the Joker it looked like. I smiled sweetly at him before shaking my head.

“No thanks, I’m good right here.” I watched as he walked away silently. I glanced back down at my cup and frowned; it was empty. I stood up and headed to the kitchen, where rows of alcohol lined the counters. I looked through them and then picked out a bottle of Jack Daniels Honey. This was the stuff Luke had said was mixed with the beer and orange juice. I sniffed it curiously; it smelled sweet. I poured some pop into my cup and then took a shot straight from the bottle. I went to take a sip of the pop but found that I didn’t need too; it had a nice after taste. I took a few more shots before filling my cup up with some Captain Morgan. I knew I was drinking too much, but I felt like I had to clear my head somehow. Making my way into the living room once more, I realized slowly that I was getting drunk. I sat down on the couch, next to a couple that was too engrossed in each other to notice me. I sipped my drink and looked around me. People were dancing to loud music and making out in corners. It was like a dance club, except more enclosed. I felt myself being drawn into the music, the beat pulsing through my body. Hands wrapped around my cup and pulled it away, making me protest with a whine. That was my drink! I glared up at the person responsible, only to meet eye to eye with a stranger. He knelt in front of me and smiled kindly.

“I think you have had too much to drink.” He said softly. Despite knowing better, I found myself grinning back at him. Before I knew what I was doing, my hand moved to cup his cheek and my other the back of his neck. I leaned in close to him so that my lips lightly pressed against his ear.

“I think so too.” I felt him react instantly. His hands moved to wrap around my waist and pulled me up.

“Let’s dance.” He said with a wink. I followed him, smirking. It was good to be my old self again; I was finally relaxing. The stranger pulled me tight against his chest and placed his hands on my hips, his fingers brushing against my butt. I looked up at him and noticed how he looked like for the first time. He had spikey brown hair and brown eyes; athletically built and tall. He looked like a normal high school jock, but I’m sure he wasn’t a high school kid; he couldn’t be right? I pulled away then and shook my head at him. I wasn’t in the mood to dance with a guy who was in high school.

“Sorry, I’m not in the mood to dance.” I walked away from his surprised form. I lied, but I didn’t feel like asking questions, or talking in general. I wanted to lie down and sleep. I knew I was drunk now. I wondered around, trying to find Emma and Kiyan when giggling got my attention. I followed the laughter into the backyard, where girls were surrounding a very tall guy. I peered closely and found out it was Kiyan. He was smiling at the girls around him and speaking. The girls giggled again and one even was clinging to his arm like a magnet. He bent down to one and whispered something in her ear, which sent her into another fit of giggles. Instantly I felt a strong reaction of jealousy. Why should I be jealous, he wasn’t my boyfriend or anything? My feet started moving by themselves, drawing my closer and closer to them. Kiyan’s eyes met mine when I arrived, making him freeze. I pushed my way past the outside ring of females and then grabbed the girl who was clinging to Kiyan’s arm by the back of her costume and pulled her back with a hard yank. The girl cried out in surprise and then spun around to confront of me.

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