Kitty Cat Dress Up

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I think I got carried away with this chapter, but its ok it turned out interesting :3

Avaline’s POV

Everything’s upside down for me these days. Ever since the dance club incident, Luke has avoided me; not to mention Kiyan was nowhere to be found; not that it mattered. I stared up at the cloudy sky. It was almost winter but I was only thinking about the men in my life and not my presents to my friends and family. Closing my eyes I let out a long sigh before resting my forehead on my knees. Kiyan was a human though and I knew our bond was gone, I could feel it. I can’t say I like it though; it’s lonely for me. I jumped when my phone suddenly went off, vibrating in my pocket. I quickly fished it out and looked at the caller ID. I frowned when an unknown number flashed on the screen. I slid my finger across the screen to answer it.

“hello?” I asked curiously.

“Avaline.” A deep silky voice spoke from the other side. I knew instantly who it was.

“Kiyan, how did you get my number?” I didn’t remember giving it out to him.

“One of my servants got it secretly from you.” I could hear the smirk in his voice.

“I swear I’m never alone anymore!” I cried. Ever since he came into my life, I felt like I was being watched at all times. His laughing rang in my ears making me listen again.

“Calm down, I got it from Emma. She gave me her number a while ago and I just took advantage of it.”

“Ugh, you’re an asshole.” I mumbled, smiling despite my earlier burst of anger. He had a sense of humor sometimes, I couldn’t deny that.

“Can I come over to your place?” he asked softly. I paused, noting the tone of voice. He sounded nervous, unsure. Kiyan wasn’t like that; Kiyan was always so sure of himself.

“Sure, I guess. I’ll make us supper.” What was I saying!? Tell him no! He ruined your life, yet you keep inviting him into it!

“Great, I’m on my way now.” He hung up the phone before I could answer. I stared at the screen for a moment before standing up. I wasn’t at home, I was at the spot I liked being at when I wanted to be alone. It was only a block from my house so I should be good. I climbed up the hill that I was sitting on and stepped onto the sidewalk.

“Avaline!” Kiyan’s voice shouted at me from a distance. I spun around to see Kiyan running down the sidewalk, waving excitedly. I watched as he stopped in front of me.
“H-How did you…”

“I live right down the street.” He smiled before grabbing my hand.

“Stalker.” I growled before pulling my hand away. Great, now I had to deal with him being my neighbor.

“Not really, my mother and father insisted I be closer to you. They said it would help us out.” He shrugged before placing his hands behind his head. I studied him closely as we walked in silence. He was different that was for sure. More care-free maybe.

“What?” His voice startled me from my thoughts. He was looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

“You’re different.” No need to hide what I was thinking.

“I guess, probably because I don’t have to keep up a princely demeanor.” He smiled before grabbing my hand again but more gently this time. His fingers laced with mine slowly. I felt myself blushing at the simple action.

“You’re red.” He said, grinning. I glared and pulled my hand away again and turned to go to my home. He followed me inside without comment. I threw my coat onto the couch before going to the kitchen.

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