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The Battle of New York

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"Stark, we're heading North East," Natasha said over the transmission. Ana, Clint, Steve and Natasha were all inside the quinjet, flying over Manhattan city. The Chitauri army was spilling out from the portal in the sky in flying chariots, carrying energy rifles with a bayonet on the end.

"What did you stop through drive-thru? Swing up Park, I'm gonna lay 'em out for you." Tony replied. Iron Man swooped down the street, causing a Chitauri to crash. Flying up, Iron Man put the following Chitauri in view of the quinjet. Ana took out the machine gun and fired at the Chitauri, accurately blasting them.

"Guys," Clint said, glancing through the window, lowering the quinjet beside Loki and Thor, still engaged in their fight on Stark's balcony.

"We see him." Natasha said, nodding at Ana as she steadied the gun to fire at Loki.

Ana took her chance and fired the machine gun at Loki, but unfortunately Loki was too fast. He aimed the sceptre at the quinjet and fired a blast of energy. Thor got to his feet, tackling Loki down hard. The quinjet was soon caught on fire. Clint manoeuvred one wing of the jet as they spun and slowed. Ana tightened her seat belt as the craft dropped out of the air as it passed over skyscrapers. Then they slammed into the street.

"Well that was something. Good job, Clint." Ana mumbled, everyone hearing her since it went quiet. Clint chuckled and they all made their way to the ramp door.

Ana strapped her daggers on her suit compartments, while Clint strapped on his bow and quiver of arrows on his back. Natasha grabbed a few hand guns and ammunition as Steve strapped his shield on his arm.

They all run out of the ramp door, and onto the streets. Ana glanced around her and frowned. Taxi cabs were overturned all across the street, cars abandoned in the middle with smoke emitting from the flames, and many historical statues were broken in half.

"We gotta get back up there." Steve said.

A deep, primal rage bellows out. With that roar, a shadow loomed over them. Ana looked up at the Chitauri Leviathan, it's sharp scales glinting in the sunlight, and waved back and forth like a tail as it slithered right over them. It's tail whacked the side of buildings, not worried that cement blocks crumbled to pieces. Lights glowed inside the eel-creature as it swerved through the city.

From both sides, Chitauri soldiers fly off and attach themselves to the sides of the buildings, sliding down. Dread filled inside Ana the more she thought about the aliens spreading and hurting so much innocent people in New York.

She took in a deep breath, lowering her eyes to the ground as she worked on trying to calm her nerves down. She needed to do her job, and protect people. It's what she does.

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Steve asked.

"Seeing, still working on believing." Tony replied. Ana glanced up at the skies in search for Tony, but all she could see were Chitauri aliens flying about and shooting their weapons. "Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?"

"Banner?" Steve asked with a small frown.

"Just keep me posted," Tony said. He was following the leviathan floating over the streets of New York City and in between the damaged buildings.

Clint, Natasha, and Ana had taken cover beside a taxi-cab, waiting for Cap's orders. Ana felt a bump on her shoulder and she looked up at Natasha who looked had a slight frown. "Hey, we got this. You got this." She said.

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