Chapter 7

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What will my mom think of me bringing home some nerd? I hope she's friendly. Because Marcel is different. I can't believe I'm admitting this, but he's special to me. So I hope that my mother won't embarrass me.

I step up from my bus seat, and make my way down the isle. I come to the front of the bus, and see Marcel is still sitting, reading his book. I smile, "Hey Marcel, c'mon!" He slightly jumps in his chair, and looks up. He looks around, and people start looking at him weirdly. He slowly closes his books, and walks off the bus with me. We silently start walking the 10 minutes to my house, but we are interrupted by Cameron. "Hey Georgia, what are you doing with that nerd?" Cameron shouts from down the street. I swallow hard, You have to say the right thing. This has to be said right. I almost want to run over to Cameron and punch him in the nose for calling Marcel a nerd, but I restrain myself and call back, "We are doing our science project, n-nothing more." The whole group of popular people start laughing at us, slapping there knees, and holding their stomachs, as if it is that funny. Marcel's cheeks go red. I grab Marcel's arm and turn him around, "Don't worry about them Marcel, they are stupid." I whisper.

When we come into view of my house I sigh in satisfaction, "Home sweet home." Marcel turns his head towards me, eyes wide. "That's your house?" he gawks. I nod, "Yup, that's my house." Marcel shakes his head, "Wow, its huge."

As we walk into my house, Marcel is careful and touches the door with his finger tips, as if everything will break by the slightest touch. I come into the kitchen where my mother is doing what she usually does, cooking. My mother looks up from her recipe, and smiles, but it simultaneously disappears as Marcel walks in. She blinks a few times, and puts a fake smile on. "Uh, Georgia, who's this?" she asks, looking at him up and down, and looking disappointed. I turn to Marcel and see him slightly frown. "Mom, this is Marcel, my science partner!" I exclaim, a little too excited. My mother bites her tongue. The tension in the room is suffocating. "Mom," I blurt out, "We are going to go into our room to work on our project, so please don't disturb us." My mother nods her head, "Alright, I don't think that'll be a problem."

I grab Marcel's arm again, and guide him upstairs. He seems so intrigued by my house, as I show him around a little. But Marcel's face drains of color when my older brother, Tyler, comes out of his room, and stands in front of us. Tyler towers over Marcel. I fear Marcel might faint. But Tyler is more of the friendly type. "Hey Georgia, who's this?" he asks, smiling wide. Relief spreads through my body, thank you Tyler. I gesture towards Marcel and introduce the two of them, "Marcel, this is my older brother Tyler." Tyler's smile widens, and he grabs Marcel's hand, shaking it violently, but not on purpose. Tyler is a very large muscular male, so he doesn't really mean to be so rough. Marcel begins to wince in pain, by Tyler's tight grip. He's defiantly going to faint soon. "Well Tyler, nice to see you, but we have to go work on our project, so bye!" I say suddenly, ripping Marcel from my brother.

When we finally get into my room, I slam the door, and gasp. "You must have been suffocating Marcel, I'm sorry." Marcel swallows a few times, regaining his thoughts. "Its fine. But I think your mom hates me." Shoot. "No, Marcel, that's not true!" I say, trying to seem persuasive.  Marcel shrugs his shoulders, not buying it,  and sits on my bed, brushing his fingers over the blanket. "Well, lets get started." Marcel says, reaching into his backpack.


Marcel has spent the last half an hour, trying to explain the project to me, but I'm still lost. He purses his lips, trying to patient. So finally I just give in,"Oh, ok, that makes sense." I lie. Marcel's face brightens, "Really?" I nod my head,"Yeah, sure." Marcel sighs, "Good. Now its time to read up on the subject." I groan, I hate reading. Marcel and I both reach down for the text books at the same time, and our hands touch again. I quickly lift my head embarrassed, but so does Marcel. We bonk heads. "Oh, man, I'm sorry." Marcel mumbles, holding his head. I laugh, "We are so stupid."

I finally look up, and see Marcel is looking at me. His face is a couple inches from mine, and I get a weird sensation in the pit of my stomach. What is going on? I look at Marcel's lips, and they look tempting. We both just sit there, our faces inches away, and Marcel hesitates. But Marcel slowly starts moving in, putting his hand on my jaw,  and our lips are inches away now. The sensation begins to become fiery, and my brain begins to fog. Our lips are so close to touching, but in perfect timing, my mother opens the door. I scream, and Marcel falls off the bed. My mother, wide eyed, looks from Marcel to me. "H-hi mom." I stutter. "Georgia, sorry to interrupt, I-I just brought up some snacks." she quickly sets the platter on my desk, and leaves the room, without another word. I look over at Marcel who is on the ground, almost looking ashamed. I just start laughing, and he looks up at me weirdly, but eventually starts laughing with me too. We both lay there laughing for what seems like forever. Oh my gosh, I almost just kissed Marcel.

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