Chapter 39

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~Georgia's POV~

I flip my laptop open, while my curlers set in my hair, and log into Facebook. I casually browse down the timeline, seeing what people are saying about Prom, and who is going with who. I find nothing too interesting, other than Macky Brady is going with Haley Berk, Johnson Malley with Amber Lell, and Cameron with Reela. Wait what...

I blink a few times, and lean in closer to the screen, my nose almost pressing against it.

Reela Marlo: Can't wait to go to Prom with my hunk Cameron Green tonight!

I shake my head, No she couldn't be, this is a joke....

I repeatedly shake my head and remind myself that I don't care. Even if it is true, I don't care. I'm not with Cameron anymore. It just brings me an itch of aggravation.

I slam my laptap closed, and shove it off my lap, I don't even want to look at it anymore. I go back to the bathroom, and carefully start to unroll my curlers. I take a glance in the mirror to see how my curls are turning out, and I meet eyes with my mother. My hands lose feeling, and I unconsciously let the curler drop to the floor. Her eyes bore into mine, her dark, cold, almost judgmental eyes. Her lips are pressed together in a line, and her face is simply expressionless. But a bit suspicion tints her features.

I give her a fake smile, without teeth, then I lean down grabbing the hot curler. I place it back in the rack, and go back to my hair, ignoring my mother's presence. Even looking at her makes me angry.

She watches my every move. "What are you doing?" she inquires, folding her arms.

I keep my eyes on the mirror, and answer quite simplistically,"Getting ready."

She intakes a sharp breath, her patience slim. "I see that. I meant where are you going?"

I set my curling iron down, letting my tight curl lie with the rest. I take a moment to answer because it sets my Mom on edge. "Prom." I reply frankly.

"Oh really?" she cocks an eyebrow.

I scrounge through my makeup and mumble,"Yup." popping the "P".

I grab my mascara and look back up at the mirror, noticing my mother's jaw clenching. "With who?" she persists through gritted teeth.

I bring the mascara brush from my eye, and purse my lips, a little dumbfounded. "Umm, Macky Brady...." I lie. My mother would never let me go to Prom with Marcel. He's not "classy" enough. Ugh.

My mothers arms drop, and her features lighten. "Isn't that Cameron's friend?"

"Mmmhhhmm." I hum, leaning over the counter, applying mascara.

My mother is less tense, and a small smile appears on her face. "When did he ask you?" she asks.

As I rub on some eye shadow as I answer,"Eh, 3 weeks ago."

My mother frowns,"And you didnt tell me?"

"Sorry..." I say awkwardly, checking myself in the mirror. After I'm finished, I walk out of the bathroom, and past my mother. I go to my bed, and lift up my dress. My mother sighs in admiration.

"Wow Georgia, that's beautiful. Can I help you put it on?" she pleads, clasping her hands together.

I look at my mother weirdly. She never acts this way. Especially about helping me. "Sure.." I say a little uncomfortable.

My mother practically jumps with pleasure. She hurries over to me, and unzips it, helping me slip in. Once it's on, she zips up the back, and tweaks a few things. I come up to the mirror, and see how I look. My dress is peach colored, and has diamonds coming from the waist and outward. The bottom is a little puffy, but not too much, and it reaches my ancles. It's like any other prom dress, but this one is mine. My mother helps me put on my diamond earrings, diamond necklace, and bracelet. Lots of diamonds. I set my tight curls over my dress, and set my hands down, turning to my mother.

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