Logic only parents understand...

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Hello There! I've composed a list of things that only too parent logic, this discipline makes sense. Not to much to us teens though because we are #Rebels. This is only for fun, so I don't think any of the facts I used is real so /!\ Disclaimer /!\: IM OFF MY MEDICINE THAT MAKES SLEEP AND STAY CALM!! THAT MEAN IM NOT MENTALLY STABLE WHILE WRITING THIS!!! iM SORRY IF ANYTHING I SAY IS OFFENCIVE! AND I CANT SPELL! IM ALL OUT OF MY MEDS SO IM GONNA BE WACKO FOR A FEW DAYS! I WILL REVISE THIS LATTER TO MAKE SURE I HAVEN'T HURT ANYONE! IM TRYING TO BE STABLE WHILE WRITING THIS! PLEASE DO NOT BE FREAKED OUT! Thank you~

1. "Because I said so!" Is the most used among moms/dads who have rebellious teen's. It's commonly used when the teenager using a "sassy" remark, and the parents end up either having no comeback or are just plan angry

2. "Look with your eyes, not your hands." This statement is still currently used with me and my brother. Once we were inside a store and I picked up a toy, the man that ran the store said that anything I touch I must buy. At the time the idea traumatized me because I was only 5, so for the rest of the time I didn't pick anything up. But what strangely confused me, was my grandma could pick up anything and not buy it. She told me it was because she had all the money, and she was the holder of it. Now I don't believe that now for a minute, but I never questioned it.

3. "When I was your age..." Is usually the first words to the start of a long lecture about to begin. I suggest you either get out, or tune out as i like to say.

4. "Time out" I think almost all of us had had to sit there sometimes ((Although my mom said she never received timeout because she was good)). When we were younger we probably ran out of it or came up with something distracting to do, because its just plain outright boring.

5. "The boogy man will get you if you don't go to sleep." Is what I was told when I was around 5-7. If you've seen 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' you know what or shall I dare say 'who' he is. My parents would tuck me in every night and right before shutting my door would repeat this. I personally had never seen the movie because Claymations scare the shit out of me. But telling this to a young child's mind, he was turned into this fictional character that looked like an alien 'gray', that would steal my shadow if I wasn't asleep by a certain time. I was once even visited in a dream, by my fictional character. Creepy~

6. "Money doesn't grow on trees..." I wise man once said. But in actual facts money is made up of contain fluff and paper that is died green. So is the saying really that wise?

7. '' Am I made of money!" Almost every parent has at least said this to there children once in lifetime. I have the best comeback for this, "WELL THATS WHAT MOM STANDS FOR!" ((I got this from vine! Don't shoot me!!))

9. "Spankings/pops/whoopins/beatings/etc." Has made its way back into public shcools in Texas. ((Even my old school does it)) But my question is, they teach us not to fight/ become violent/ hit/ etc. but will use hitting against us. Why? Are they teaching us to be vonerable???

last but not least-

10. "Grounding" I can understand being grounded for a week at the most, but the longest I've been grounded is 2 months ((AKA THE ENTIRE SUMMER VACATION!)). Yea, I was locked in my room for 2 months only eating ham or PB&J Sandwich. I was luck if i even got toys to play with, so mean while I had Fran my "Imaginary" friend to keep me company. Oh and Frans twin, Fransico! Yea im weird....

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