chapter 18

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 Hello everyone!!!
so this is the next morning beginning from Maya's POV

Hope you ll like it...

Sorry for the late update...

i am dead from work.... i just sat on my desk.....

and in four and half hours i have to wake up again....

kill me now...


Chapter 18

Maya woke up that morning and had a headache from hell. She was not drunk like somebody else she new… Let’s not start naming people… But she had slept so little. Each time she closed her eyes she kept seeing Nicolas flirting and kissing another woman. Sometimes that woman was blonde sometimes brunette and the rest of the times a redhead. So when the morning finally arrived, she was pissed as hell and her head was about to burst. She took a shower in hope of relieving some of her irritation, got dressed quickly and left for work. She wanted to be early today because after seeing Nicolas that drunk the previous night, she was not so sure if he would be in a condition to come to work this morning on time. She was a professional and even if he neglected his appointments she would be there to take care of them. If of course the clients were not women that came more to ogle Nicolas than to do business with him. That thought had her anger returning with a vengeance. This was turning out to be a complete nightmare. She should have followed Christy’s advice from last week and take a couple of days of now that Nicolas was back as a reward for working like a slave while he was away in Europe. Christy had brilliant ideas, why on earth Maya never listened to her.

By the time she entered her office she was fuming. The day did not look promising. She went to get a coffee. She needed caffeine after the night she had. When she entered the kitchen se met July.

“You are early” July said surprised “I thought that now that Nicolas was back you would stop coming earlier of your normal schedule”

“Yes I know. But I wanted to make sure I have everything ready for the morning appointments Nicolas has in case he does not come like yesterday”

“Naaah that was an onetime thing. He is always on time don’t worry. As a matter of fact he is already here. It is his coffee I am making.”

“Well that is for the best. I have a lot of things to do anyway” Maya said silently. She was afraid that she may have seemed a little bit too aggressive and she did not want to make July suspicious.

“You know you should look more after Maya and less about work. You are going to get gray hair soon.”

“That is why I pay so much money on my hairdresser honey, she winked at July that giggled at her comment.

“Don’t be funny with that kind of things Maya. I like you I would not want you to have a heart attack from stress at the age of 35.”

“Ok ok don’t worry. I will relax more. Let’s just pretend that today I came earlier to compensate for the time I lost when I had the flat tire”

“You did not have a lunch break and you left late that day. I say you compensated enough.”

“I just can’t win with you can I? Don’t worry I will not come early again unless Nicolas orders it. He is the boss. Him I am afraid I will have to obey…”

“Deal. I am going to his office. He sounded desperate for some coffee.” July said and left with Nicolas’s coffee.

“I just bet he does” Maya mumbled and made her own coffee.

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