Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Come on... come on! GOD PLEASE WAKE UP!" I heard the voice of a boy yell as I felt hard pressure on my chest. What's going on? Why do I feel so woozy? Suddenly I felt something rising from my stomach I turned my head in time for something to spill out of my mouth burning as it came up my throat. I opened my eyes to see the contents of the sea fall from my mouth like a waterfall. I also noticed the jean clad legs kneeling down beside me. "Oh thank you God." The voice, obviously this boy, spoke again. I was still on the beach, on the sand now though. Wait... I drowned? This boy saved me! I looked up to meet the beautiful light brown eyes of the boy who'd just saved me. Concern was etched on his face as he watched me carefully. "Are you ok?" He questioned. I just stared for a while, shock passing through my system, I nearly died and this boy saved me. I was in the arms of death and he saved me. Then I remembered he'd asked me a question.

"Yes." I sat myself up, my throat burnt as I spoke and it came out all croaky but he seemed to realx a little bit. He was hot, verging on beautiful hot, his brown eyes stared into me as his reasonable length brown hair blew slightly in the breeze. It was shaved at the sides then long on top styled into a quiff. It was a lovely light chocolate brown matching his eyes. "Thank you, you saved my life." I croaked. 

"You're welcome. I couldn't let you did could I?" He gave me an awkward smile. God he had perfect lips... 

"Nope." I let out a small laugh. "I'm Maddi by the way." I informed him. He looked at my outstretched hand in shock then looked at me in confusion as he took my hand and shook it.

"Ethan." He told me his name still looking at me in an odd manor. What was wrong? I know that I probably have make up streamed down my face due to my near death expierience but he'd seen it all this time why only react now? "Do you... do you..." He choked on his question twice. 

"Do I what?" I peered at him curiously. 

"Recognise me?" He spoke it quietly and quickly and then averted his eyes from me as if waiting for me to freak out. What's his problem?

"Urm no? I have amnesia so I don't recognise anybody... I'm so sorry if I should recognise you!" I sort of tumbled over my words feeling bad, what if he was like an ex-boyfriend or something? I mean he is cute. He looked up at me his eyes wide.


"Yes." I nodded slowly. "So... how did we meet?"

"We haven't." He told me quickly.

"What?" Why would he ask if I recognised him then? I was about to open my mouth to say something when he spoke.

"So, where are your clothes?" He asked changing the subject and standing up quickly. Wait, what? I looked down to see I was just sat in my underwear. Oh my god. My face heated up instantly. 

"Urm... over there?" I pointed up the beach at my pile of clothes. I stood up in just my peach frilly underwear, at least my bra and pants matched I guess. Kristen had brought them for me to the hospital. 

"Let's go get them!" He began walking in that direction seeming a lot happier. He's weird. I followed him with my arms wrapped around my body. I ached slightly, probably nearly dying twice in the space of just a few short weeks wasn't the best ideas. When we reached the clothes he looked away as I pulled the sand covered attire onto my soaked body. Well this is uncomfortable. 

"So... why you on the beach?" I asked once I was done, he turned back to me.

"I just came for a walk. The peacefulness is nice sometimes." He gave me a small smile... he has beautiful smile. I mean, if that's a small one, my heart would die to see a proper one. "You?"

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