Chapter 17

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Chapter 17.

We pulled up in front of the restaurant that Nathan's parents have chosen. He cut the engine off and we were surrounded by silence. I looked over to him and you could clearly see just how nervous he was about this. I put my hand gently on his thigh which made him jump and look over to me. I gave him, what I hope is, a comforting smile. He put his hand on top of mine and smiled back then took a deep breath. 

"You ready?" I questioned him. Silently he nodded. We got out of the car and locked it behind us. Nathan looked so handsome in his new shirt and dark denim jeans, the black shirt that I brought made him a whole other level of hot, he was clean and everything about his presentation was neat. He had really made an effort. By the time I'd gotten out of the shower he had picked out an outfit for me which was a pretty, short, lace dress with long sleeves and sinched in at the waste it then had a thin black belt as an accesory. It was something I'd brought yesterday purely because it was in the sale for just £5. My legs, much to my regret, were bare and now freezing. Then on my feet I'd slipped on some black dolly shoes. Simple. Nathan had insisted he did my hair as he wanted to be distracted, he sat on the edge of the bed and I sat on the floor between his legs, so he had dried it the curled it so it hung in loose curls around my shoulders. After the first few burns he recieved I told him to let me do it but he was persistent and in the end he did get it done. My make-up was done the same as usual.

I slipped my hand into his and tugged him towards the entrance. I ran my thumb over his hand as he pushed the door open and we stepped into the, thankfully, warmer building. 

"It's going to be ok. I'm here." I smiled up at him, he returned the smile and kissed my cheek gently. 

"I love you." He told me and my smile grew. 

"Nathaniel?" A timid female voice asked we spun around to see an older couple walk towards us. The womans hand were shaking as she looked up at Nathan. The man however seemed to asses shim then assess me.

"Yes..." Nathan answered strongly standing up a bit taller. I could tell he was acting and I could still hear the timid, broken voice slightly. 

"Oh, my son!" The woman quickly embraced him and began crying into his chest. He stood rigid and glanced at me for help I gave him a sweet smile and nodded slightly, he shut his eyes and slowly wrapped his arms around the woman who was sobbing into his new shirt. I awkwardly changed my eye contact to look at the man who was now smiling and didn't seem so intimidating. He stuck his hand out.

"I'm Frederick, Nathaniel's father, you can call me Fred." He introduced himself. I took his hand and shook it once.

"I'm Maddison, nice to meet you." I introduced myself back. 

"Come on now Fran, leave the poor boy alone and lets eat!" Fred put his hand on the small of 'Fran's back and she released Nathan. 

"I'm sorry Nathaniel." She mumbled as she took a step back. 

"Come on, lets find a table." Fred took charge. They began walking in front and I took Nathan's hand and we followed behind. His hand was shaking slightly with nerves but I didn't mention it. 

We chose a table towards the back of the restaurant so it was quieter and sat in the booths either side of the table with me opposite Frend and Nathan opposite Fran.

"Hello, can I get you some drinks? Here is your menu's. My name is Natalia and I'm going to be your waitress for tonight." A short, stunning, blonde waitress asked once she'd apporached our table. I had to look away, her beauty was intimidating, I looked over to Nathan to see him admiring her. I cringed back into my seat beginning to feel incredibly jealous and inadequate. 

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