Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"There is someone here to see you." Freddy came bounding into my room waking me up from my not so peaceful sleep. It seems the stress of everything has really affected me as I haven't been able to have a peaceful sleep for what seems like forever.

"Huh?" I questioned confused and then for some reason the posibility of it being Ethan popped into my mind and I found myself getting overly excited. How romantic would that be? By now my nephew had already ran back out of the room and I could hear him playing in his room, he must have a friend over because I can hear another voice. I threw the covers off and ran downstairs. The prospect of it being Ethan had me feeling like a girl with a massive crush... I suppose I am but I'll keep that to myself. However, when I reached the front door I wasn't faced with Ethan I was faced with a teenage boy about my age that a vaguely recognised from somewhere but he was still a stranger. 

"I finally found you!" He yanked me into an embrace squeezing me closely against him and I swear he was crying if the way his body shook was any indication along with the slight dampness on my shoulder. I remained a statue trying to process what was happening and who this overly affectionate stranger is. After a few minutes he realised I was yet to return his relief hug and pulled back a little keeping his hands on my shoulders and looked at me confused through damp eyes. He is attractive. At least if I'm getting hugged by a completer randomer they're hot. He had tight curled black hair that was shaved short at the side so it was only curled on his head and his face was perfectly structured with a killer jaw and his eyes were a beautiful light blue. But no matter how much I looked at him I couldn't remember him completely. "Maddi?" He asked as a small frown fell upon his lips. "How don't you remember me? Nathaniel? Nathan? Nate?" He looked as if he was going to break down completely. 

"I recognise you..." I thought I'd tell him so he doesn't think I'd completely forgotten him because I clearly mean something to him. 

"What happened Maddi?" He sighed as he pushed a piece of my messy hair out ofmy face. "You just disapeared and the rumours are insane."

"I knew you before?" I questioned and he nodded slowly. "I had an accident, I have amnesia and I don't remember everything. My family is dead and I'm the only surviver." I told him quickly and a look of shock fell upon his face before he pulled me into another hug.

"I'm so sorry Maddi." He rubbed a hand up and down my back comfortingly. 

"It's ok." I mumbled into his nice smelling shoulder. He seemed to remember something as he suddenly got a bit excited pulling back.

"Do you still have that box of polaroid photos?" He asked keenly and I nodded.

"Yeah, in my room." 

"COME ON!" He almost yelled with excitment as he held onto my hand. "Take me to them!" I obliged and began taking him to my room as he held onto my hand tightly. I didn't really know what to do so I just let him hold it. 

Once I got into my room I pulled down the box of pictures and handed them to him. He opened them up and pulled out a photo straight from the top and I reaslied that I recognise him from the pictures. I sat down beside him on my bed and looked over his shoulder suddenly extremly interested because he knew me from before. I know I like having the fresh start and second chance but I couldn't help but be intrigued. 

"This is us on New Years!" He smiled down at the picture. It was us in front of a fire display kissing as I took the photo with my arm extended. "We brought the New Year in together this kiss was exactly on midnight." He placed the picture down beside the box and began looking through the photos for another. He stopped at one that he'd obviously been looking for and pulled it out. "This is the night I decided to ask you on a proper date for Valentines Day." He was now smiling down at the photo of us pulling a funny faces in bed clearly naked beneath the white sheets. "We went to a fancy diner and you complained at how fancy it was and we ended up getting a bottle of wine and going back to mine to watch movies." He placed that photo on top of another. He pulled one of a group out straight from the top. We were all laughing on the grass at night with fags lit and vodka bottles in our hands. I was wearing ripped fishnet tights with doc martens in a very short black dress which allowed my black underwear to be visible. I was pouting with an arm around another pretty girl. He was sat in amongst some other boys looking just at me. "This is us last year with our group. Do you remember any of them?" He peered at me over his shoulder and I shook my head.

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